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BIOL 3020 – Week 4 Discussion – Homeostatic Imbalance in the Cardiovascular System

BIOL 3020 – Week 4 Discussion – Homeostatic Imbalance in the Cardiovascular System

Malaria directly affects the blood system. During a blood meal, the anopheles mosquito inoculates plasmodium sporozoites into the human host’s circulatory system. Sporozoites migrate to the liver, where they develop into schizonts, which undergo exoerythrocytic schizogony to release merozoites that infect the red blood cells  (CDC, 2020). In erythrocytic schizogony, the parasite multiplies, causing the red blood cells to lose osmotic pressure and lyse. Actin-myosin motors help merozoites orient within blood capillaries before re-infecting healthy cells (Mohandas & An, 2012). Anemia is a clinical sign of malaria that results from the increased destruction of infected and healthy red blood cells destruction because of ineffective erythropoiesis and membrane alteration caused by merozoites. Various mechanisms are responsible for the defensive impact of different red cell abnormalities, including diminished intrusion, disabled intraerythrocytic development of merozoites, and changed association between exported parasites’ proteins and the red cell membrane skeleton (Mohandas & An, 2012).

The pathology of malaria causes a homeostatic imbalance in many ways. Many changes occur in erythrocytic schizogony. Malarial clinical signs are observed in this stage. Once inside the red blood cells, merozoites reside in a vacuole, increasing in size and over the length of its 48-hour life cycle; it digests about 70% of hemoglobin acquired from the red cell cytoplasm creating amino acids required for protein synthesis (Mohandas & An, 2012). The undigested heme residues are kept as a polymerized shade material called hemozoin. Multiplication of merozoites causes rupture of red blood cells because of osmotic imbalance, reducing oxygen supply in the body. Massive destruction of infected and uninfected red blood results in homeostatic imbalance (Mohandas & An, 2012). Maturation of merozoites causes striking structural and morphological changes in the infected red cell, causing the adhesive to simple squamous epithelial cells. The red cell turns out to be more round.

BIOL 3020 – Week 4 Discussion – Homeostatic Imbalance in the Cardiovascular System

The human body reacts in various ways in an attempt to re-establish homeostatic balance. Merozoites multiply within 48 hours, after which their load leads to the rupture of the red blood cells (Mauritz et al., 2009). During erythrocytic schizogony, the permeability of the blood cells increases, causing lysis. The colloidal osmotic hypothesis suggests that merozoites’ wasteful consumption of hemoglobin causes the rupture of cells, causing homeostasis imbalance (Mauritz et al., 2009). Two basic models, new permeation pathways development and the infected red blood cells model, forecasted that infected cells would expand to approach prelatic sphericity and that the hemoglobin fixation would turn out to be continuously reduced (Mauritz et al., 2009). This kind of response improves homeostasis balance. The first-line treatment for malaria includes Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) such as artemether plus lumefantrin and artesunate.


CDC. (2020, July 16). CDC – Malaria – About Malaria – Biology. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. %20is%20transmitted%20to%20humans,in%20the%20parasite%20life%20cycle.

Mauritz, J. M. A., Esposito, A., Ginsburg, H., Kaminski, C. F., Tiffert, T., & Lew, V. L. (2009, April 3). The Homeostasis of Plasmodium Falciparum-infected Red Blood Cells. PLoS computational biology.

Mohandas, N., & An, X. (2012, September 11). Malaria and Human Red Blood Cells. Medical microbiology and immunology.


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BIOL 3020 – Week 4 Discussion – Homeostatic Imbalance in the Cardiovascular System

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