Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Forgotten History of Autism
The parents’ view on autism is based on the old stories of autism. Autism cases have been increasing and have been falsely associated with the measles vaccine; for this reason, parents are not vaccinating their children and hence observed cases of measles, which is yet preventable. The story of Kanner misled society by deceiving people that cases of autism were rare, autism has been in existence, and the observed increased cases are due to broadened diagnostic criteria and improved case finding (Silberman, 2015). The most impactful part of the video is where the speaker emphasizes that autistic children require a more supportive environment, including parental support, special education, and understanding employers.
The World Needs Kinds of Mind
Autistic individuals have different and unique abilities, including their way of thinking. The autistic’s thinking can either be patterned, word, or visual. The visual thinkers are more creative and do better in arts, the pattern thinkers are good in programming and computer works, while the word thinkers are good in journalism. The most impactful part of the video is the part that talks about the autistic mind being fixated, but the fixation can be used as a motivational tool to get them to do other things as well (Grandin, 2010). All required is an understanding of the different kinds of thinking that autistic people have and get them to learn other skills.
How I Learned to Communicate with My Inner Life with Aspergers
Autism affects basic social skills, and some autistic individuals have a problem communicating their ideas. This is possible in those who are visual thinkers, and it may affect their profession or education when it is required of them to make a presentation (Generous, 2015). They may also have problems maintaining friendships and knowing basic social skills such as smiling. The most catchy part of the video is that with technology, something like autism assistive technology can help in learning new skills and improving communication.
Autism — What We Know (and What We Don’t Know Yet)
The speaker, Wendy Chung, talks about the complexities of autism, highlighting that multiple factors, including prenatal factors, advanced paternal age, and genetic factors, play a role in the development of autism. She dismisses the myth that vaccines cause autism; the increased incidences are due to broadened diagnostic criteria and improved mental healthcare access (Chung, 2014). The most impactful part of the speech is where Wendy Chung encourages community involvement and collaboration to improve further the treatment of autism.
How Autism Freed Me to Be Myself
In her speech, Rose Kings explains how society does not understand the diversity of autism. She explains that individuals with autism are unique and that society should not force them to fit into the societal norm (King, 2014). Society should view the positive aspects of autism and appreciate the individual differences among autistic individuals. The most impactful information from the speech is the call for society to learn and appreciate the uniqueness of individuals instead of forcing them to fit in with their narrow definition of what is considered normal.
A New Way to Diagnose Autism
Ami Klin emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and intervention for autism. With an early diagnosis, the lives of autistic individuals will be greatly improved. However, given the complex causes of autism, diagnosis of autism has been almost impossible (Klin, 2012). The most impactful message from the speech is the new method of diagnosing autism known as eye-tracking, which can help in the detection of autism from an early age and, thence, the need for universal adoption of the method.
In the Key of Genius
Adam Ockelford tells a story about a boy named Derekk who was born prematurely and became visually impaired. Derek’s nanny introduced music to Derek while he was young, and Derek developed an interest in playing the piano at a very young age. Derek, who was visually impaired, was a gifted pianist (Paravicini & Ockelford, 2013). The impactful message is that skills such as music can break barriers and give way to greater opportunities.
A Word Game to Communicate in Any Language
Ajit Narayanan explains the importance of communication in life and what impact it has on the lives of individuals with autism. He invented an app named Vaz that helps translate pictures into words to enable speech among visual thinkers. He also introduces another system known as Freespeech that then helps break nuances into simpler questions and answers, thus aiding in communication (Narayanan, 2014). The impactful message in his speech is that the power of communication can help one achieve greater things in life.
What I Have Learned from My Autistic Brothers
Faith Jegede Cole tells the story of his two brothers, who are autistic but have unique, admirable qualities. Her brother Remi, who is 22 years old, is speechless but is very affectionate, honest, and discriminates no one. On the other hand, her other brother, Samuel, who is 16, has a very sharp memory (Cole, 2012). The most impactful message from her speech is that society would not appreciate the unique features she sees in her brother, as they are considered out of society’s normal.
Love, No Matter What
The speaker talks about the evolution of society’s perception of differences. He began by talking about how homosexuality was harshly criticized in 1996, but over time, there has been a change in attitude regarding homosexuality (Solomon, 2013). He reiterates the importance of embracing differences as a society. The impactful message is the ability of society to appreciate the differences that exist in our unity.
To Understand Autism, Don’t Look Away
Carina Morillo talks about her connection with her son Ivan, who was non-verbal. She explains how she initially struggled with communicating with Ivan, but she focused on maintaining eye contact with him. Furthermore, she also engaged Ivan in activities such as playing and swimming to enhance their connection (Morillo, 2017). The impactful message is her encouragement to people to always include their children who have autism rather than excluding them.
Chung, W. (2014, April 28). Autism — what we know (and what we don’t know yet) [Video]. TED Talks.
Cole, F. J. (2012, November 2). What I’ve learned from my autistic brothers [Video]. TED Talks.
Generous, A. (2015, August 17). How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger’s [Video]. TED Talks.
Grandin, T. (2010, February 24). The world needs all kinds of minds [Video]. TED Talks.
King, R. (2014, November 21). How autism freed me to be myself [Video]. TED Talks.
Klin, A. (2012, June 9). A new way to diagnose autism [Video]. TED Talks.
Morillo, C. (2017, June 7). To understand autism, don’t look away [Video]. TED Talks.
Narayanan, A. (2014, March 10). A word game to communicate in any language [Video]. TED Talks.
Paravicini, D., & Ockelford, A. (2013, August 9). In the key of genius [Video]. TED Talks.
Silberman, S. (2015, June 17). The forgotten history of autism [Video]. TED Talks.
Solomon, A. (2013, June 3). Love, no matter what [Video]. TED Talks.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Reflect upon a behavioral decision you have made (e.g., dieting, making changes in your sleep schedule, reading more, etc..…). Consider the attitudes you had regarding that decision.

Autism Spectrum Disorder
a. Your attitude toward the behavior,
b. your perceived behavioral control,
c. The subjective norms,
d. Your behavioral intention, and
e. The resultant behavior.
How did each of the above elements contribute to your behavior? Which variables had the most (or least) influence? Why?
How did each of the above elements contribute to your behavior? Which variables had the most (or least) influence? Why?
If one of your clients were facing a similar decision, how might your knowledge of the research on attitude formation and change influence your approach to working with them?