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Article Critique- Increasing Workplace Diversity Evidence from a Recruiting Experiment at a Fortune 500 Company by Flory Leibbrandt Rott & Stoddard

Article Critique- Increasing Workplace Diversity Evidence from a Recruiting Experiment at a Fortune 500 Company by Flory Leibbrandt Rott & Stoddard

Executive Summary

This article focuses on diversity at the workplace, and aims at finding effective and cost-efficient ways of increasing the number of underrepresented employees interested in a job opening, applying for it, and getting selected to join the firm. Specifically, the study aims to determine if signaling diversity as a firm’s core organizational priority and value would increase interest and job application among racial and ethnic minority groups and enhance demographic diversity in employee recruitment (Flory et al., 2021). The article finds that projecting explicit value and interest in workforce diversity increases the number of candidates from racial, gender, and ethnic minority groups interested in job openings and their likelihood of applying and getting selected (Flory et al., 2021). It also finds that projecting diversity as a firm’s organizational priority and value has little impact on gender diversity.

Literature Review

Some of the themes presented in the literature review include providing information to potential candidates for a job opening regarding career prospects, diversity, role models, mentorship, and peer network, which is an effective way to reduce the gender gap (Del Carpio & Guadalupe, 2018). Two, the pool of potential candidates is significantly affected by how a job is described (Ernesto et al., 2013). Third, quotas and affirmative action policies are effective ways to reduce and eliminate barriers to career progression and job market entry based on gender, religion, race, and other social identities (Ibanez & Riener, 2018).

The literature review was applicable to the study for several reasons. First, it uses data from current government records and peer-reviewed articles regarding the effectiveness of various ways to increase diversity in the workplace. Using current data was critical in identifying gaps in effective ways to increase employee diversity, primarily by increasing the number of applicants and selecting candidates from racial and ethnic minority groups. Second, the literature review was thorough, considering that it reviews various sources, including peer-reviewed articles, governmental publications on statistics, company reports, and newspaper articles, for information regarding employee diversity and effective ways to increase it. One significant gap in the literature review is the lack of review of sources focusing on effective ways to design effective messages to signal a firm’s value and priority for employee diversity.

Data Analysis

The study adopted the qualitative research methodology to determine the effectiveness of signaling diversity to potential candidates in increasing the interest, applications, and selection of candidates from racial and ethnic minority groups. This method was appropriate for the study because it allowed the researchers to measure variables and test their hypotheses to fulfill the study’s purpose. The data analysis proved the research hypotheses because it demonstrated percentage increases in the number of candidates from racial and ethnic minority groups interested in the job opening, applied, and were selected after being provided with diversity-signaling messages.


This article is relevant to the field of employee diversity since it provides an effective and cost-efficient way of increasing diversity at the workplace by projecting diversity to enhance candidates’ interest, application, and selection. Its strengths include using various and current sources of information to support the need for the study, as well as identifying research gaps in the field. Another strength lies in using a natural field experiment and a qualitative research methodology because it allows the study to arrive at reliable and relevant research findings. One of the article’s weaknesses is the failure to identify effective ways to design effective diversity-signaling messages to attract more candidates and job applicants from minority groups.

Based on the article, it is critical to conduct a future research focusing on ways of retaining employees from minority groups to ensure workforce diversity is not only achieved, but also sustained. One of the key points and takeaways after analyzing the article is the effectiveness of natural field experiments in arriving at relevant and reliable research findings.


Del Carpio, L., & Guadalupe, M. (2018). “More Women in Tech? Evidence from a Field Experiment Addressing Social Identity. Unpublished.

Ernesto, E., Finan, F., & Rossi, M. A. (2013). Strengthening State Capabilities: The Role of Financial Incentives in the Call to Public Service. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1169–1218.

Flory, J. A., Leibbrandt, A., Rott, C., & Stoddard, O. (2021). Increasing Workplace Diversity: Evidence from a Recruiting Experiment at a Fortune 500 Company. Journal of Human Resources, 72-92.

Ibanez, M., & Riener, G. (2018). Sorting through Affirmative Action: Three Field Experiments in Colombia. Journal of Labor Economics, 437-478.


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In this assignment, you are to critically read and evaluate a scholarly article’s strengths, weaknesses, and contributions to the study field. Learning how to critique a journal article has several benefits, including preparing you for publishing in the future and keeping you current on the literature in your field of study. The practical application is developing the ability to look at research within your organization and industry with a knowledgeable, critical eye.

Article Critique- Increasing Workplace Diversity Evidence from a Recruiting Experiment at a Fortune 500 Company by Flory Leibbrandt Rott & Stoddard

Article Critique- Increasing Workplace Diversity Evidence from a Recruiting Experiment at a Fortune 500 Company by Flory Leibbrandt Rott & Stoddard

The University of the Cumberlands (UC) Library subscribes to many journals and provides you access to appropriate collections to support this assignment. Using the UC Library, locate and review the following peer-reviewed articles:

Flory, J. A., Leibbrandt, A., Rott, C., & Stoddard, O. (2021). Increasing Workplace Diversity Evidence from a Recruiting Experiment at a Fortune 500 Company. Journal of Human Resources, 56(1), 73-92.
Hill, A. J., & Jones, D. B. (2020). The Impacts of Performance Pay on Teacher Effectiveness and Retention: Does Teacher Gender Matter? Journal of Human Resources, 55(1), 349-385.
Doris, A., O’Neill, D., & Sweetman, O. (2020). Does Reducing Unemployment Benefits During a Recession Reduce Youth Unemployment? Evidence from a 50 Percent Cut in Unemployment Assistance. Journal of Human Resources, 55(3), 902-925.
Kawano, L., & LaLumia, S. (2017). How Income Changes During Unemployment Evidence from Tax Return Data. Journal of Human Resources, 52(2), 418-456.
Banerjee, S., & Blau, D. (2016). Employment Trends by Age in the United States: Why Are Older Workers Different? Journal of Human Resources, 51(1), 163-199.
Aizer, A., Stroud, L., & Buka, S. (2016). Maternal stress and child outcomes: Evidence from siblings. Journal of Human Resources, 51(3), 523-555.