Sustainable Living Guide Contributions – Sustaining our Water Resources The Great Pacific Garbage Patch The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is an area in the North Pacific Ocean where marine...
Latest News - Art
Controversy on the Painting The Holy Virgin Mary It is crucial to understand that during the late 1990s, the widely known painter Chris Ofili painted an 8-foot painting, “The Holy Virgin...
Personal and Professional Growth Throughout the Capstone Project and the RN-to-BSN Program The Capstone Project and the Rn-BSN program have immensely widened my perspective on nursing care provision...
Discussion – Infinite Person According to Janaro and Altshuler (18), an infinite person is described as a person who does not commit any crime against humanity, does not have rigid prejudices,...
Review – Children of Men Directed by Alfonso Cuaron Children of Men is a contemporary movie directed by Alfonso Cuaron and based on a novel written by P.D. James. The purpose of the movie is...
Video Response – In The Light of Reverence In The Light of Reverence is a documentary exploring conflict over natural resources among three communities in the United States. The conflict...