Argument in Favor of Nest Eggs Case Scenario
Hello and welcome to today’s debate. My name is Alesia Shambry, and I will argue in favor of the Nest Eggs case scenario. The moral dilemma that Kate’s parents face is whether it is right to utilize her frozen eggs for procreation. To begin with, Kate preserved viable embryos when she was still married. The end of her marriage invalidates the plan to use these embryos since her husband’s consent is withdrawn automatically. Utilizing these viable embryos would be challenging because Kate’s husband could contest their use in a court of law. However, Kate’s frozen eggs are still available. During her lifetime, Kate wanted to have children through surrogate motherhood. However, she did not want to parent as a single mother. In addition, Kate stated that her parents should inherit all her property. Get in touch with us at We offer assignment help with high professionalism.
I believe the utilitarian theory of ethics, which prioritizes the happiness and good of all parties, is applicable. In this case, Kate would have been happy to have children. For this reason, she preserved eggs for future use. Kate’s parents will be glad to have grandchildren, especially now that their only child is no longer alive. In addition, it is humane to utilize the eggs instead of disposing of them while they are preserved for a reason.
Furthermore, in her will, Kate did not provide instructions for disposal. The presence of both Kate’s parents would give her much joy because she did not want the child to grow up in a family setting with only one parent. Therefore, I recommend that Kate’s parents inherit and utilize the frozen eggs through surrogacy.
Regarding the ability to raise the child, Kate’s parents are old and thus have less physical and emotional strength. As people age, we think they lose their ability to parent young children due to mental, emotional, and physical demands. While this argument sounds valid, Kate’s parents will raise the child with the help of other younger relatives. Kate’s parents’ desire for grandchildren is sufficient to direct their energy towards the child’s wellbeing.
I want to highlight the Davis v. Davis case. In its ruling, Tennessee’s Supreme Court concluded that prior agreements regarding embryos should be honored. Similarly, a lack of prior agreements prioritizes the parties’ interests regarding the use or lack of service. In this case, using frozen eggs is a decision that Kate’s parents should make since they are her successors. In a different matter, the court ruled that a two-year-old boy would inherit frozen embryos following the murder of his parents. The boys’ parents did not leave a will or instructions regarding the disposal of the 11 frozen embryos. The boy would be allowed to decide the next step once he achieved the age of 18 years.
The boy’s case is not too different from Kate’s case. Kate’s lack of contesting parties regarding the frozen eggs is reason enough for her parents to inherit the eggs and decide on their future actions. In addition, the lack of clear instructions to dispose of the eggs strengthens my argument in favor of inheritance by Kate’s parents and possible procreation in the future. The frozen eggs are considered part of Kate’s extensive estate, which she clearly stated in her will should be inherited by her parents. A similar premise was utilized in the boys’ case, who was his deceased parents’ only heir. Therefore, he rightfully inherited all the property, which included the frozen embryos. I am glad to share this argument with you.
Thank you!
We’ll write everything from scratch
Argue “pro” for the “Nest Eggs” case scenario.
Case 6: Nest Eggs
Soon after Chuck and Kate married, they learned she had Hodgkin’s lymphoma and that the treatment would probably limit her ability to conceive and carry a fetus to term. So, before starting treatments, they went through the process of in vitro fertilization. Because neither of them felt they would be able to focus on raising a child right then, even one birthed by a surrogate mother, they chose to freeze the viable embryos. As a further precaution, they stored several eggs and vials of sperm.
Kate survived several years of treatments, but her marriage didn’t. Although Kate would have liked to hire a surrogate who would gestate one or two of the frozen embryos, she acknowledged Chuck’s right to abandon a plan begun during a happier time. She also put off deciding what to do with her stored eggs. She was ambivalent about raising a child as a single parent and ultimately chose to focus on regaining her health and her once-active life.
Only a few years later, however, she died in a car accident, leaving behind neither spouse nor offspring. She directed that her parents receive complete title to all her property in her will. Kate had been an only child, so her parents grieved not only their loss of a daughter but also the lost prospect of grandchildren. In one meeting with the probate lawyer, they voiced this regret. The lawyer suggested they use Kate’s frozen eggs as, perhaps, Kate herself would have wanted them to do: acquire some sperm through a sperm bank, hire a surrogate to gestate the fetus, and raise
the child
The suggestion comforted Kate’s parents but left them with many questions. Are Kate’s eggs just the property they could inherit? Should they make a child without Kate’s explicit consent? Would they be doing the right thing?
7) Debates (15% or 150 points)
Students will have to argue for (pro) or against (con) a specific action the scenario puts forth. You will randomly be assigned “pro” or “con.” You will then record yourself arguing your “pro” or “con” position.
Videos should not be longer than 10 minutes. See the instructions below for the exact content you should include in your argument. After recording your idea, you will save your video as a link. You can save your video as a link by uploading it to YouTube and making the privacy settings “unlisted,” so no one can see your video unless you share the link. You will then share your link in the discussion board the week your debate is due.
Content you must include in your debate recording:
1. Identify the moral dilemma.
• Identify, in detail, the moral position (how one ought to act) you must defend.
•Identify, in detail, the moral position you must oppose.
• How do these positions support contradictory moral judgments?
2. Identify the arguments in favor of your position. Identify those ethical theories that support your work (i.e., deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics)!
• Identify those reasons why the principles involved in your moral
position are more important or more substantial than those of your opposition.
3. Identify the arguments in favor of your opposition’s position.
• Identify those ethical theories that they might use to support their position.
• Identify the arguments and theories they might use to suggest their moral position is more vital than yours.
4. Identify the objections to each position.
• Identify the objections you might make to your opposition’s moral position and ethical arguments. Anticipate possible responses.
• Identify the objections the opposition might make to your moral position and ethical arguments. How do you respond to these objections?