Applying Third-Party DNA Analysis Tools- Evaluating Autosomal DNA Scenarios with GEDmatch
Autosomal DNA result analysis involves the identification of shared DNA segments and distinguishing the distribution of these segments. In addition, centiMorgans (cMs) are used as tools for measuring DNA segments shared by individuals under comparison. A centiMorgan is a recombinant frequency unit used to measure genetic distance. Furthermore, sharing large numbers of cMs indicates sharing a common ancestor (“centiMorgan,” n.d.).
One-to-one Report Analysis
The one-to-one report is as follows: the largest segment shared is 46.1cM, the total Half-Match segments (HIR) is 243.5cM (6.791 Pct), and the estimated number of generations to MRCA is 2.9. Lastly, a total of eleven shared segments were found using 401278 SNPs for the comparison (53.286 Pct SNPs being fully identical).
According to the results, the total amount of DNA shared by the individuals is 243.4 cm. The longest segment of DNA shared is 46.1cM on chromosome 2. Additionally, according to the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG), the four most likely relationships between the individuals are;
Second cousins
First cousins twice removed
Half-first cousins, once removed
Half great-great-aunt/uncle (“Autosomal DNA statistics,” n.d.)
Consequently, if one of the test-takers is 39 years old and the other is 65 years old, their most likely relationship is second cousins. Second cousins share a great-grandparent. This means they are three generations apart from their common ancestor, which explains their age gap of 26 years.
Result analysis for autosomal DNA involves careful interpretation of gathered information. This includes distinguishing shared segments of DNA and determining the total cMs shared by the test-takers. Subsequently, the identification of shared DNA segments and the total cMs shared helps to determine the genetic relationship between the individuals under comparison.
Autosomal DNA statistics. International Society of Genetic Genealogy. Retrieved 1 December 2021, from
centiMorgan. International Society of Genetic Genealogy. Retrieved 1 December 2021, from
We’ll write everything from scratch
Now that you have read about third-party tools and how to use them let’s check your knowledge. In this activity, you will use the results of third-party analysis tools to answer questions about an autosomal DNA scenario.

Applying Third-Party DNA Analysis Tools- Evaluating Autosomal DNA Scenarios with GEDmatch
The following questions evaluate your understanding of the various tools available to test-takers who have uploaded their raw data to GEDmatch.
Read the following and, based on your understanding of the tools provided at GEDmatch, answer the discussion questions.