Article Analysis-Applying Concepts of Conservatism and Liberalism
The article, ‘We Asked for It’: Chicago Democrats Blame Progressive Leaders’ Sanctuary-City Policies for Migrant Crisis, by Ryan Mills, discusses the perspectives of different leaders concerning the immigration issue in Chicago. The author begins by reviewing the arguments by Zerlina Smith-Members on why the approach used by the Chicago Governor to address the issue of immigrants in Chicago contributes to the challenges being experienced in the region, such as homelessness, bad health outcomes, gangs, high taxes, and illegal guns. Smith-Members supporters include business owners, neighborhood activists, and Chicago residents disappointed by the government’s decision to convert community centers and parks into shelters (Mills, 2024). The arguments within the article are founded on the thesis outlining that the government should create a better process for accepting immigrants and settling them in the country to ensure that they do not negatively impact the citizens’ normal lives.
The article should be considered both liberal and conservative based on the ideas expressed by the author. Liberals focus on rejecting inequality, while conservatives promote hierarchy and inequality. According to Trepanier (2024), conservatives’ perspective on liberalism mainly focuses on its relationship to Christianity. Biblical teachings such as the quote, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (New International Version, 2011, Eph. 4:32), emphasize the need to treat others well by being kind and forgiving.
The main conservative idea in the article is that the government should not use the money to take care of immigrants and offer them food and shelter but should instead use the funds to help the needy citizens in the region. This idea is conservative because it demonstrates selfishness by suggesting that one group’s interests should be ignored to prioritize another group’s interests. One of the liberal ideas expressed in the article is the idea that the government has a responsibility to take care of immigrants. This idea is liberal because it demonstrates the government’s willingness to do good by improving the lives of immigrants who move to Chicago for a better life. The second liberal idea is the idea that immigrants can be accommodated in sanctuary cities as they plan how they will survive in the new country. This idea is liberal because it focuses on safeguarding the well-being of the refugees, which is a good thing.
Mills, R. (2024, February 12). ‘We asked for it’: Chicago democrats blame progressive leaders’ sanctuary-city policies for migrant crisis. National Review.
The Holy Bible: New International Version (NIV). (2011). Biblica, Inc. (Original work published 1973)
Trepanier, L. (2024, February 9). Why liberalism needs piety. Public Discourse.
We’ll write everything from scratch
First, visit Explore: National Review ( ) located in the Learn items for Module 3: Week 3. This is a leading conservative magazine and articles are written from various points on the conservative spectrum. Occasionally, it may disagree with a point on the lecture outline of liberal and conservative views. Select an article to review. You may select an article from Explore: Real Clear Politics (located in the Learn items for Module 3: Week 3). Select an article that is at least 800 words. The article may not be more than six months old. Provide the author, title, and complete URL address of the article.
Applying Concepts of Conservatism and Liberalism
Second, review the Learn items on conservatism and liberalism. You must refer to the Learn items to receive full credit.
Third, identify the key themes of the article. Compare these with what you have learned about conservatism and liberalism in the Watch items.
What conservative ideas are expressed in the article?
Why do you call them conservative?
What liberal ideas are expressed in the article?
Why do you call them liberal?
Fourth, your thread must consist of 2 paragraphs.