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Applying a Model of Cultural Competence to Personal Practice Beliefs

Applying a Model of Cultural Competence to Personal Practice Beliefs

The process of cultural competence in healthcare service delivery is an ideal that incorporates cultural desire, skill, knowledge, awareness, and encounters. The model defines cultural aptitude as the continuous progression that healthcare providers strive for to meet each client’s needs. This paper discusses my thoughts on the model discussed in Chapter 2. The essay includes a discussion of the statements and values and the nursing programs at St. Thomas University. Reflect on my learning, evidence of Campinha-Bacote model reflection, personal beliefs, and implementation.

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Josepha’s model consists of five constructs. Cultural awareness, cultural desire, cultural skill, cultural knowledge, and cultural encounters are among the constructs. My interpretation of the construct is that combined results in greater competency in providing perfect service to clients. Cultural awareness ensures self-awareness, scrutiny, in-depth self-exploration, and examination of one’s cultural background. People with cultural knowledge can seek and obtain information to study various cultures. Cultural encounter encourages healthcare providers to actively participate with clients from various cultures. Cultural desire encourages healthcare providers to engage in every process available to become culturally aware, knowledgeable, skilled, and so on. Cultural skill is the ability and willingness to obtain clients’ desired and appropriate cultural data. All of these constructs, in my opinion, help to improve service delivery and client satisfactpatients’es can provide extensive expertise by learning about their patients’ beliefs and culture.

The mission statements, values, and nursing programs at the University of St. Thomas are based on and inspired by the Catholic intellectual tradition. Students are taught to be morally upright, skilled workers, and critical and wise thinkers at the school. The University strongly condemns any form of negligence, discrimination, or injustice. The school expects its students and nursing undergraduates, graduates, and post-graduates to treat every client with dignity and respect, regardless of religion, ethnicity, culture, or gender. The University views violence as intolerable and has no policy to address it.

Throughout the course, I learned a lot. I discovered that cultural awareness is essential for successful nurse interaction and cooperation. Working with patients while being aware of their lifestyle helps to avoid awkward situations. Second, I discovered that exposure and dedication are required when working with new people.

Nurses are exposed to a wide range of patients and clients, and learning to collaborate interpatiently with them smoothly is critical for the patient’s satisfaction and that of the nurses. Sharifi, Adib-Hajbaghery, and Najafi (2019) diJosepha’s necessary cultural competence is to patients, noting that Josepha’s cultural competence helps nurses become more competent. The model facilitates the development of relationships; nurses know what to say and how to react.

I believe that nurses should try to learn about the cultures of Josepha’s patients. Cultural competency is essential in everyday life. Josepha’s cultural competency model assists nurses in improving their patient relationships (Wall-Bassett et al., 2018). People must understand each other to coexist safely and peacefully. Cultural competency is the backbone of consistent and productive relationships in every/medical facility, according to my philosophical statement.

I would put my beliefs into action by educating children about cultural diversity. Teaching them cultural competence will benefit their social relationships. My journey toward cultural competency is far from over; I want to help people, explore more cultures, and become more involved in other people’s lives.

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Sharifi, N., Adib-Hajbaghery, M., & Najafi, M. (2019). Cultural competence in nursing: A concept analysis. International journal of nursing studies, 99, 103386.

Wall-BassCampinha-Bacote’s, A. V., Craft, K., & Oberlin, A. L. (2018). Using Campinha-Bacote’s Framework to Examine Cultural Competence from an Interdisciplinary International Service Learning Program. Journal of InterWe’llnal Students, 8(1), 274-283


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Apply a model of cultural compCampinha-Bacote’sl practice beliefs.

  1. Reflect on the five constructs of Campinha-Bacote’s model of The Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services: Cultural desire, Cultural Awareness, Cultural Knowledge, Cultural Skill, and Cultural Encounters. (See Chapter 2)

    Applying a Model of Cultural Competence to Personal Practice Beliefs

    Applying a Model of Cultural Competence to Personal Practice Beliefs

  2. Review the Mission statements and values of St. Thomas University and its Nursing programs.
  3. RefCampinha-Bacote’sning during this course.
  4. Evidence of reflection on Campinha-Bacote’s cultural competency model and STU mission and values.
  5. Your personal beliefs.
  6. Your philosophy statement(s) related to culturally competent nursing care.
  7. I am implementing your beliefs.
  8. You are continuing your journey towards cultural competence.

APA and references should be current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources.

  • No shorter than 1 page or longer than two pages, excluding the title, abstract, and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 2 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to the current APA style.