Latest News - Anthropology

Correcting Culture

Correcting Culture To understand cultures, it is necessary to examine each from the perspectives of its owners. Every individual is inclined to view their culture as favorable to another’s way...

The Concept of Self-reflexivity

The Concept of Self-reflexivity When I read the sources, I felt like I was being ethnocentric. I thought my own culture was better than all of the others being studied. I also felt like I was not...

Examination of Cultural Perspectives on Education

Examination of Cultural Perspectives on Education Cultural beliefs influence the way people think and act (Capo, 2013). In Education, culture can play a significant role in the way teachers teach...

Applied Anthropology

Applied Anthropology Describe the overlapping histories of “applied” and “academic” anthropology that Kottak identifies in chapter 11 (e.g., in Malinowski’s work on...

Impacts of Colonization in South America

Impacts of Colonization in South America The impacts of colonization in America are more severe in some areas as compared to others. These impacts can be seen as the success in Northern America and...