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Annotated Bibliography On Economic Data

Annotated Bibliography On Economic Data

Agbozo, E., & Asamoah, B. K. (2019). Data-driven E-Government: Exploring the Socio-Economic Ramifications. EJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government, 11(1), 81-90.

This paper investigates the notion of data-driven e-government and explores how the socio-economic repercussions of e-governments can impact society. It offers a unique perspective on a recent and still unclear topic and makes suggestions for legislators. The findings show that data-driven e-governments can build strong societies despite the ramifications. Therefore, data integrity, clarity, and people’s privacy are essential to creating sustainable data-driven e-government ecosystems, with consumer needs being the main factor to consider.

This paper has limitations. Its objectives are not to deliver irrefutable evidence but to add a new point of view to the socioeconomic implications of data-driven e-governments.

This paper will not help write on our topic because of its limitations, and research in the future should focus more on the advanced methods that will ensure that highly dependent data-driven e-government ecosystems will provide for the achievement of viable development objectives.

Hughes-Cromwick, E., & Coronado, J. (2019). The Value of US Government Data to US Business Decisions. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(1), 131-146.

This paper aims to define and strengthen the importance of government data value in the decision-making process for organizations. Governments produce several data types (economic and financial) used by the business community. The authors deliver an outline of the subject, considering reports from governments and a survey of the private sector. They also present solid cases of using government data in the decision-making process by automotive, energy, and financial services businesses.

Like the preceding article, this paper agrees that government data has been increasing in value and has revealed extra value for the business economy, facilitating the entry of new business organizations, promoting transparency, and decreasing monopolies.

This article will also support our research topic on economic data because it approves other literary findings and recommends that statistical agencies improve the quality of their work.

Khan, N., Thelwall, M., & Kousha, K. (2021). Are Data Repositories Fettered? A Survey of Current Practices, Challenges, and Future Technologies. Online Information Review, 46(3), 483-502.

This research investigates various data repositories’ existing procedures, issues, and technological requirements. The authors designed an online survey intended for data repository administrators. They discovered that the infrequent development of different data repositories had caused the implementation of personalized techniques, particularly by repositories designed to store data from specific fields. Nevertheless, developing and implementing new technologies for different systems remains problematic for smaller repositories because they have fewer employees.

Future research on data repositories must focus on better integration between data and platforms, better interoperability between systems of the same repository, and merging data and publications.

In the context of our research topic, this analysis and its conclusions concur with our assertion that the most frequent issue about economic data remains precision because those data change daily and must be assessed regularly.

Nejjari, Z., & Aamoum, H. (2021). Big Data Analytics Influence on Financial Performance and Market Value: Intellectual Capital as a Proxy. E3S Web Of Conferences, 229, 01042.

This paper is an experiential study on Big Data market value and how it can enhance business performance. For six years, the authors collected and analyzed data from 29 companies in Morocco across eight different industries. Their findings show that Big data (BD) analytics is developing as a significant groundbreaking research area for scholars and professionals. It has a significant positive effect on market value and financial performance.

The article is helpful to our research topic because it reveals numerous difficulties in deploying big data to build companies’ wealth and suggests ways for companies to manage big data to improve their performance accurately.

However, this study is limited. It only considered companies registered on the Casablanca stock exchange. To remedy this, future studies could include more companies from several other stock exchanges and gather the data in a longer timeframe.


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In preparation for writing each Discussion, you should submit your Annotated.
Bibliography Assignment on the topic that is being covered for the week (Marketing,
Accounting, Finance, Management, Economic Data Analysis, International Business).

Annotated Bibliography On Economic Data

Annotated Bibliography On Economic Data

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, Web sites, periodicals, etc.), one
has been used for researching a topic (Annotated Bibliographies, 2020).
For all sources used in your Discussion, you should:

 Provide an APA formatted Citation (this should look like what you would include in a
standard reference section. Summarize the source and discuss the research study that was conducted and what the
findings were.

 Assess the source, discuss its usefulness, and compare it with other sources in your paper.

 Reflect on how the source will be helpful to you in your Discussion. How does it help to
Shape your argument, and how are you using it to shape your writing?
Each annotation should look like this:

Author (year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Vol no(issue). Pg to pg.
In your summary, you will begin by discussing the research question the study attempts to answer. You will summarize the research that was conducted and the specific
findings that were uncovered. You will then provide a summary of what this means for the topic.
Next, you will discuss how the source compares with other sources in your paper and how valuable
the source is in attributing to your writing.
Finally, you will discuss how the source is helpful in your Discussion. It would be best if you were specific
on why it is essential and how you will use it in your writing to shape your
*Do not use “I” in any of the annotations.
Note: The Turnitin plagiarism tool will check your assignment for originality.