Ancient Greece
Reading about the laws of Ancient Greece on the slide was astonishing and exciting at the same time. Although it sounds like it was a privilege for free males to gain sexual access to servants, male and female slaves, and prostitutes, I do not think it is something to be happy about because the latter was regarded as properties meaning no value was attached to them whatsoever. So I think the term “privileged boys” is invalid. Even so, I could not agree more that restraining pre-marital sex is a virtue even today, but denying the warriors food to demonstrate one’s bravery is simply inhumane. It is shocking to know how homosexuality was highly embraced in Ancient Greece, contrary to the contemporary society in which the majority of cultures and even religions are having a hard time accepting the idea of homoeroticism or homosexuality.
But what is more bizarre is the fact that pre-marital sexual activities between free people were highly punishable. Still, at the same time, sexual relations between two people of the same gender were consented to and embraced. The assumption that all grown men would be sexually attracted to a fellow man is out of place and is against the law of nature. This slide does not put into consideration the natural attraction between a woman and a man. It only emphasizes the aspect of homoerotism and considers the possibility of it being a substitute for heteroeroticism. It shows how the Ancient Greece laws embraced sexual immorality because they did not see anything wrong with a man having sex with a fellow man, nor did they condemn sexual orgies, which are viewed as immoral in contemporary society.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Ancient Greece
Please read the slide and respond to it.
Ancient Greece
The response does not need to be long. The response needs to be straight forward and understanding. My professor just wants a straight forward and easy to understand response. Please use your own words when responding to the slide. Below I posted my classmates response as an example of how long and simple the response should be. Her response is from a different slide but I wanted to post her response because it’s simple and straight to the point of how I want my response to be as well.