Anatomy and Physiology
During the weekends, my cousin and I play lawn tennis at the neighbouring university. Last weekend, I observed my cousin as he played against his friend. Lawn tennis requires head movement since the tennis ball moves in different directions (Shinkai et al., 2022). The neck, which connects the torso and the head, is involved in the movement of the head. The neck is made up of vertebrae from C1 to C7. Neck movements determine head movements. Cervical flexion is a neck movement that allows the head to bend forward towards the chest, while cervical extension allows the head to bend backwards when facing the sky. Cervical side bending allows the head to tip to the side towards the shoulders, while cervical rotation allows the head to turn to the right or left.
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The neck muscles that allow my cousin to move his head during the game include anterior neck muscles, posterior neck muscles, and lateral neck muscles (Jung & Bhutta, 2022). Superficial posterior neck muscles include splenius cervicis and splenius capitis. Splenius cervicis is responsible for head rotation through unilateral contraction and head extension through a bilateral contraction. At the same time, splenius cervicis allows neck rotation through unilateral contraction and neck extension through a bilateral contraction. Transversospinalis posterior neck muscles include semispinalis cervicis, semispinalis capitis, rotatores cervicis, intertransversarii, and interspinal (Jung & Bhutta, 2022). Rotatores cervicis ensures lateral spine flexion through unilateral contraction and spine extension by bilateral contraction, intertransversarii assist in stabilizing the spine, and interspinal allow lumbar and cervical spine extension. Semispinalis capitis and semispinalis cervicis allow the head, thoracic, and cervical spine extension through the bilateral contraction. Scalene anterior neck muscles include middle and posterior scalenes responsible for lateral neck flexion and anterior scalenes responsible for contralateral neck rotation and ipsilateral neck flexion.
Shinkai, R., Ando, S., Nonaka, Y., Kizuka, T., & Ono, S. (2022). Visual Strategies for Eye and Head Movements during Table Tennis Rallies. Frontiers in sports and active living, 4, 897373.
Jung, B., & Bhutta, B.S. (2021). Anatomy, Head and Neck, Neck Movements. StatPearls Publishing.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Take a minute to observe the movement of a part of your body or observe someone else moving a part of your body. Describe the movement you are observing.

Anatomy and Physiology
Which parts of the body are involved in this movement? Be specific and list as many organs as you can.
Using common terms, describe the muscles you think are involved in this movement.
What role do you think each of the muscles plays in this movement?
How are the movement of the muscles interacting with various bones in the body?