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Analysis of Inclusive School/Center – Amalgamated Nursery School

Analysis of Inclusive School/Center – Amalgamated Nursery School

How do your school site and classroom environment (physical, social, and temporal) align with inclusive education and universal design for learning framework? (Think about: Are students with disabilities members of chronological age-appropriate classrooms in the school they would attend if they were not disabled? Do students with significant disabilities learn meaningful academic content alongside peers without disabilities? Are students with disabilities represented as valued members of the school community?)
Amalgamated Nursery School’s commitment to inclusive education and the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework is reflected in the intentionally designed school and classroom environments. The classrooms are enriched with diverse artworks, fostering an inclusive atmosphere for engaging activities. Further, students with disabilities seamlessly integrate into age-appropriate classrooms, participating in social routines and activities. The structured temporal environment ensures personalized learning experiences for all students, with collaborative efforts among teachers to address diverse needs through various stations. The approach prioritizes inclusion, valuing, and accepting every student in our community.
How are special education services organized throughout the school? (Think about: Do teachers serve students in a categorical or cross-categorical model? How are instructional teams configured? How are teachers and paraprofessionals used to support instruction? Are special education support and related services provided, when necessary, in the context of inclusive classrooms and community environments?)
At Amalgamated Nursery School, special education services prioritize inclusivity through a cross-categorical model that focuses on individual strengths and needs, avoiding rigid disability categorizations. Collaborative instructional teams, including general education teachers, special education teachers, and paraprofessionals, work together to support diverse student needs. Teachers and paraprofessionals implement Universal Design for Learning principles, thus ensuring accessible lessons. Subsequently, special education support is seamlessly integrated into classrooms and community spaces, fostering a sense of belonging. An individualized approach includes the collaborative development of individualized education programs (IEPs) to effectively address each student’s unique needs, allowing flexibility in adapting to evolving requirements.
How are cultural, linguistic, and ability diversity appreciated at your school/center? What practices are used to collaborate with families of race, culture, linguistics, and ability diversity?
The commitment to diversity and inclusion is evident in the inclusive curriculum that celebrates various backgrounds. The school offers robust multilingual support, ensuring communication materials are accessible to all families. Family engagement events and culturally responsive teaching practices create an inclusive learning environment. Collaborative partnerships with community organizations and local resources support families, while individualized support plans address the unique needs of students with diverse abilities. Lastly, open and regular communication channels foster trust and partnership between the school and families, promoting active engagement in their child’s education.
V. Two artifacts that demonstrate how services are being provided to students with disabilities in your school.
The commitment to inclusive education is exemplified through two key artifacts at Amalgamated Nursery School. The inclusive lesson plans illustrate how accommodations seamlessly integrate into daily instruction, emphasizing collaborative efforts between general and special education teachers. The second artifact, individualized student progress portfolios, showcases collaborative input from educators and service providers, emphasizing the holistic approach to student development. These artifacts underscore intentional planning, differentiated instruction, and shared responsibilities, creating an environment where students with disabilities thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Through these artifacts, stakeholders gain insights into the school’s approach to supporting diverse abilities.


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Amalgamated Nursery School

Amalgamated Nursery School

You will examine how services are designed and configured in your school while considering Universal Designed for Learning and Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy. You will also observe and analyze how adults collaborate to support students’ learning. You will complete all the questions in the template and include two artifacts that demonstrate how services are being provided to students with disabilities in your school. For example, a room sign on a classroom door that includes the names of the co-teachers or instructional teams might be an artifact that indicates equitable roles or shared ownership among educators. The artifacts you choose may show strong demonstrations of inclusive and collaborative practices or reveal gaps and fragmented practice.
1. School-wide and classroom structures are fully and critically analyzed by considering Universal Designed for Learning and Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy
2. Analysis is complete by addressing all the required sections in the template.
3. Use of appropriate language. There is evidence of thoughtful language choices to value identities beyond the disability.

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