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American Airlines Inc Company Tour

American Airlines Inc Company Tour

My learning-based tour to American Airlines Inc. has ended. It officially ended on Friday, May 21st, 2021, at 12.30 pm. During the study excursion, I gained a wealth of experience in terms of career skills such as communication skills, personal responsibility, industry information, and personal responsibility. Need help with your assignment ? Reach out to us. We offer excellent services.


Accordingly, I observed various activities and issues that entail an enterprising entity. One of these is how information flows in a centralized organizational structure. American Airlines has a centralized organizational structure where decisions stem from the head office and are distributed down the chain of command. Other than its organizational structure, I also observed how the company cooperates with other airline firms in strategic alliances. According to the operating manager with whom I interacted, cooperation levels in these firms depend on stakeholders’ strategies. In American Airlines’ case, interlining and grouping loyalty programs are the most commonly used forms of strategic alliances. These are commercial arrangements in which the company shares the same flight with Alaska Airlines and Allegiant Air. This competitive strategy reduces costs via economies of scale associated with maintenance, computer reservation, joint marketing, and ground facilities.


The tour experience equipped me with immense airline operation and management knowledge and skills. Initially, I did not know the typical means used by airline firms to deliver customer value. However, after touring American Airlines, I now realize that cooperation for operations and market-wide alliances are major competitive strategies in airline companies. The strategies include both cost-cutting strategies and robust revenue management approaches. Additionally, the trip offered me an opportunity to gain a realistic perspective on my profession. The experience was an incredibly memorable real-world revision of my studies and enabled me to gain insight into organizational processes in a real work environment.


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Milestone 4: Tour Summary and Reflection Guidelines and Rubric


This milestone cannot be submitted until after you have attended your company tour. After completing the tour, you will write a short paper describing your experience and reflecting on what you learned. This will help you collect your thoughts for the final project.

American Airlines Inc Company Tour

American Airlines Inc Company Tour


Specifically, be sure to address the following:

  • Identify the company and the time and date you completed your tour
  • Describe what you observed in the company tour
  • Reflect on what you learned during the tour

Guidelines for Submission: Your milestone should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, 1-2 pages in length, double spaced, with 12-point type, and 1-inch margins.

Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center.


Criteria Satisfactory (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Company Tour Identifies the company and the time and date the tour was completed. N/A Does not identify the company and/or time and date the tour was completed. 10
Observation Describes what was observed in the company tour. Describes what was observed on the company tour, but lacks in detail or clarity. Does not describe what was observed on the company tour. 35
Reflection Reflects on what was learned during the tour. Reflects on what was learned during the tour, but lacks in detail or clarity. Does not reflect on what was learned during the tour. 45
Mechanics No grammar or spelling errors that distract the reader from the content. All sources used are cited using APA style, 6th ed. Minor errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. All sources used are cited using APA style, 6th ed. Major errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content, and/or errors made in citing sources using APA style, 6th ed. 10
Total = 100 %