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Aligning Professional Dispositions with School Leadership Expectations- Reflection and Action Plan

Aligning Professional Dispositions with School Leadership Expectations- Reflection and Action Plan

A professional disposition is defined as the attitude, beliefs, and values that an individual demonstrates through both non-verbal and verbal tendencies. Usually, the disposition entails positive elements that enable an individual to conduct their roles effectively. In an education context, the professional disposition enables an educator to support the learners as well as their process of development. Educators must interact with parents, learners, communities, and colleagues. The main values that usually determine a teacher’s professional disposition are care, fairness, honesty, social justice, and responsibility (Binghamton University State University of New York, 2021). Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us at

All educators are expected to demonstrate specific dispositions to facilitate the performance of their roles and responsibilities. These include a commitment to diversity and continuous learning, the ability to build a rapport with others, being a role model figure for learners, colleagues, and other individuals in their environments, the ability to collaborate with others, reflection, problem-solving, ethical, the ability to communicate effectively, professional conduct, and competence (Binghamton University State University of New York, 2021). Educators are expected to demonstrate the stated disposition consistently during their profession.

Professional conduct and ethical standards reflect an individual’s integrity. In the educational setting, an educator must comply with the regulations set at different levels. These policies and regulations may include good citizenship, academic honesty, quality work, and satisfying expectations. The legal policies at the federal and state levels include creating a safe learning environment for students, creating, and retaining professional relationships, and maintaining ethical conduct. They are also expected to maintain honesty as well as integrity during communication by using appropriate language, maintaining confidentiality, and treating all individuals with respect as well as dignity. In the workplace, they should maintain a professional demeanor by dressing appropriately, actively participating in the classroom, using technological devices appropriately, and meeting attendance expectations (Bloomsburg University, 2021).

Diversity is a critical element in educational institutions. Teachers and learners are equally diverse. This implies that an educator collaborates with diverse colleagues and instructs students who come from divergent backgrounds. This means that the educator must be capable of embracing this diversity and using it to achieve greater development among the different learners. To embrace diversity, an educator must be empathetic, fair, and compassionate. They must also appreciate that every learner has the capability to grow academically. The educator is responsible for seeking to understand and utilize different perspectives as well as diverse experiences that meet the emotional, academic, and interpersonal needs of learners without any discrimination whatsoever. Fair treatment of all members of an institution is a critical element of embracing diversity. The educator should be ethical enough to promote social justice and respectful interactions among learners. They are also required to appreciate the community’s culture and be sensitive to its norms during interaction with the community members. It is also necessary to not only value but also respond to the various aspects that entail a learner’s well-being. Finally, it is necessary to utilize differentiated teaching practices that address the different learning capabilities and strengths of the students (Bloomsburg University, 2021). All students should have the opportunity to succeed while in an educational institution.

Collaboration in the education field is critical for excellent performance for both learners and instructors. Collaboration requires effective communication and the ability to interact with other individuals effectively and meaningfully. The positive partnerships that instructors and learners form facilitate learning and development. In the process of collaboration, respect, emotional intelligence, appropriate self-disclosure, and the ability to give and receive feedback are important aspects (Bloomsburg University, 2021).

Problem-solving and reflection are necessary elements in the education sector. The instructor should be capable and willing to be accountable for their actions. Decisions should be made following critical thinking and adhering to the various regulations and policies. Proactive behaviors are better because it show that an individual can anticipate challenges beforehand. In the process of reflection, to solve problems, it is necessary to consult other stakeholders. This approach engages other individuals who may be affected by or could affect the outcome or decision.

Lifelong learning is an inevitable element considering that an educator is responsible for passing knowledge on to other individuals. To keep abreast with the current research findings and pass this knowledge to learners, educators must consciously commit themselves to the process of increasing their knowledge consistently. This can be done through reading education journals, attending conferences, seeking out workshops, and engaging with colleagues in professional discussions. A cheerful outlook is critical in maintaining the behavior of learning. An educator must also be hungry for current information that enables them to perform their roles better and be intellectually curious to apply this knowledge. As an educator, having such behaviors promotes learning even in the classroom by engaging the students.

Personal Dispositions

As an educator, I relate to the highlighted professional dispositions that are required for exemplary performance. In my practice, I have learned that my role is not only to pass on knowledge to learners. Instead, the process of sharing knowledge and the interactions that happen in the non-learning environment are critical for my performance. Due to the diverse population of learners that I have encountered repeatedly, I am open to diversity. I appreciate that my students come from divergent backgrounds, races, countries, ages, genders, and social classes. Their diversity is an enhancing element in the classroom because they all learn from each other respectfully. Without paying attention to any of their differences, I set expectations in my classroom that they all adhere to. These expectations are designed to promote learning in a diverse environment as well as respect. Through personal interactions with my learners, I understand their needs, challenges, and learning styles. This information forms the basis of my instruction techniques.

Besides diversity, I tend to refer to current studies quite often. The studies provide essential information about upcoming and effective instruction techniques, especially for diverse student populations. The institutions that I have worked in allow instructors to maintain autonomy regarding instruction techniques. The only condition is that these techniques are inclusive and address the needs of all learners. Therefore, I have been able to engage my colleagues in the process of evaluating different techniques of instruction that are found to be highly beneficial for diverse student populations.

Through collaboration with my colleagues, I have been able to evoke the same tendency in my classrooms. I encourage my learners to collaborate with each other during a study in the form of groups. These collaborations allow the students to learn from each other, leading to better performance. As a result, they have developed effective communication skills that facilitate the process of collaboration. In their groups and individual assignments, I expect them to conduct research from diverse sources and provide assignments that contain more information than what is taught in the classroom. This cultivates the culture of lifelong learning for all parties in the classroom. During these assignment presentations, I also learn from the students.


The primary areas in which I have experienced challenges during my career include problem-solving, receiving, and giving feedback. The process of solving problems in my profession as an educator is challenging because these issues tend to involve different stakeholders. The differences in opinions and wants complicate the problem of finding solutions. In the communities’ cultures, it is possible to find a lack of tolerance for collective problem-solving. Negative stereotypes interfere with the process, making it difficult to give honest feedback without appearing too direct or hurting others. The nature of most individuals is that things should occur in a certain way. Thus, new developments are contested intensely.

As an individual, receiving feedback is also challenging because sometimes individuals tend to provide information in an insensitive manner. Lack of sensitivity ends up being hurtful for other individuals who are still struggling with the feedback process. During practice, I have encountered numerous individuals, colleagues, community members, and parents who do not understand the art of giving feedback (Purdue University, 2021). Some tend to provide this feedback without consideration for other people’s feelings. As a result, I tend to withdraw from situations that require interaction with community members, parents, and even some colleagues. This approach tends to restrict my freedom of expression, impedes my learning process, and curtails meaningful interactions that can lead to development.

Action plan

To remedy the deficiencies, I intend to attend seminars that can increase my knowledge regarding problem-solving. In addition, I intend to undergo therapy that could identify my fundamental issues in relation to receiving and giving feedback. I tend to believe that self-awareness is an important aspect that enables an individual to receive feedback and provide the same appropriately. Therefore, therapy sessions that are geared towards understanding myself are necessary. As I go through this, I will share the information with my students as I teach them about giving and receiving feedback through their coursework. In the work setting, I intend to propose training for all instructors to my seniors as a strategy of developing the ability to give or receive feedback and solve problems. Finally, I intend to face my fears by increasing my cultural awareness through intentional interactions with community members. This should improve my ability to communicate with the stakeholders without fear or disregard for their culture.


Binghamton University State University of New York. (2021). Professional dispositions. Retrieved from Binghamton University State University of New York:

Bloomsburg University. (2021). The Role of Dispositions During Education Field Experience. Retrieved from

Purdue University. (2021). Professional Dispositions in Education.


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School Law & Leadership – Using the readings, Moodle discussions, and previous assignments, create a 5-page paper in APA format analyzing how your current dispositions relate to professional expectations required in a school project or future professional practice.

Aligning Professional Dispositions with School Leadership Expectations- Reflection and Action Plan

Aligning Professional Dispositions with School Leadership Expectations- Reflection and Action Plan

Outline an action plan that remediates identified deficiencies. Please include a minimum of 3 references