Aggregate Community Windshield Survey
Part One
On the 13th of May, 2003, Miami City Gardens was incorporated as the 33rd city of Dade County. It is the third-largest city in the county and is located in the county’s North-Central region, midway between Miami and Fort Lauderdale. The city covers approximately 20 square miles.
According to, the total population of Miami Gardens City as of July 2019 was 110,001, of whom 18 years and below are 24.4%. The most common race of student ethnicity, according to Data USA (n.d.), is Hispanic and Latino, followed by Black/African American. Whites were listed as fourth, while Mixed races, Asians, and American Indians were 5th, 6th, and 7th place, respectively. 53.9% of the population is female. The teenage birth rate is 2%—those unwed and on public assistance form 15.8% of the population. The unwed mothers living below the poverty level are 40.2%. 41.2 % of unwed mothers have a high school diploma as the highest level of education. The life expectancy in Miami Dade County, in general, is 82.2 years; Hispanics have an average life expectancy of 84; Blacks at 76.7 years; and Whites at 80.3 years. The birth rate in Dade County as of 2019 per 1,000 females aged 15-19 was Blacks at 15.1%, Hispanics at 11.7%, and Whites at 10.6%. The percentage of teens who are sexually active in Miami-Dade County is 37.7% females and 43.0% males. Black teens are the most sexually active teens at 44.1%, Hispanic Latinos at 40.7%, and Whites at 33.3%.
The above information is critical for the success of the proposed project. For example, because the statistics show that the highest number of the student population is Hispanic, the project will need to be culturally relevant to meet this population’s needs and for easy acceptability. Additionally, female students will also be an area of focus because the statistics show that despite graduating from high school, women tend to be poor and become unwed mothers. 37.7% of teens are sexually active, and the chances of them becoming single, unwed, and living below the poverty line are very high. This information presents something amiss because the birth rate is at 2%, which could probably mean that the abortion rate is higher or another factor unknown brings about this disparity. The project seeks to discover why this disparity exists.
The aggregate group was selected because, according to the CDC (2019), risky behaviors among high school students in the state of Florida scored higher than the national scores in the following categories, where youth reported that they: did not use birth control pills prior to engaging in sexual intercourse; did not use an IUD, birth control pills, implant, or shot, patch or ring prior to their last intercourse; did not use a condom during the last sexual intercourse. Unprotected Sex has a myriad of possible consequences, including unwanted pregnancies, STDs, and long-term illnesses such as HIV/AIDS. This project will discuss and hope to implement a way to decrease risky sexual behavior among Middle and High School students.
Part Two
The city has several retail establishments which serve the population and improve the community’s economic status. Miami Gardens has more than 4.000 businesses. As of 2019, the leading industries in the city were Healthcare and Social Services, Entertainment and Recreation, Sports, Arts, Education, and Retail. The top industries in the city are depicted in the image below:
Source: Beacon Council (n.d.)
The number and types of homes and the age of the same is as shown below:
Source: Neighborhood Scout (n.d.)
With the incorporation of Miami Gardens into the country, the city inherited 16 parks. The parks’ conditions ranged from fair to poor, with a few meeting the surrounding residents’ needs and wants. The city offered an opportunity for the development of non-traditional parks, linear parks, and the ‘blue way trails.’ Blue way trails are water-based trails for canoes and are linked to the Blueway as a water resource that is land-based.
Many playgrounds are available for children residing in the city. The Bennett Lifter Park and the Betty T. Ferguson Recreational Complex are two such examples. The businesses and homes are clearly demarcated, with homes located in specific areas and businesses in other specific areas. Also, some addresses are zeroed in as being unsafe and even termed as ghettos.
As regards transportation, most people use private transport.
The city is generally clean, with residents expected to play their part in keeping it that way. Miami Gardens has a free sidewalk pressure cleaning program. Residents aged 55 years and above can apply for the free pressure cleaner, while all other residents can access the same on a loan basis.
Churches in Miami Gardens are more diverse compared to any other religious places. The other religions are represented by 1.2% Judaism, 0.2% Eastern faith, and 0.9% affiliated with Islam and have 1-2 places of worship in the area.
As regards media and billboards, the city of Miami Gardens allows for billboards to be put up, though the number is restricted. The billboards are large, colorful, and easily visible to pedestrians and drivers. They are mostly illuminated and are seen 24/7.
Miami Gardens boasts several clinics as well as private practices. There are also large hospitals and a psychiatric hospital. However, the high poverty rates and low-income status in some parts of the city suppress the demand for healthcare services because a significant number of the populace is underinsured or uninsured.
Beacon Council (n.d.). Miami Gardens.
Best Places. (n.d.). Commuting in Miami Gardens, Florida.
Census, Gov. (n.d.). QuickFacts. Miami Gardens city, Florida
DataUSA. (n.d.). Miami Gardens Fl.
Neighborhood Scout. (n.d.). Mami Gardens Appreciation Rate Trends and Housing Market Data.
Towncharts. (n.d.). Miami Gardens, Florida Demographics Data
We’ll write everything from scratch
Aggregate Community Windshield Survey
My aggregate is Middle and High School Kids
Aggregate Community Windshield Survey
There are two parts to the windshield survey assignment. In Week 1, you are required to submit a draft of your survey. In Week 2, you will submit your final windshield survey based on feedback from your instructor and your continued work.
In a Microsoft Word document of 3-4 pages formatted in APA style, you will describe the aggregate and community in which the aggregate is located. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.
Aggregate Community Windshield Survey
Describe the Aggregate
Begin the assignment by describing your aggregate. Include the following information:
- Name of the aggregate
- Geographical location and size
- Population
- A brief history
- Basic vital statistics
- Crude birth rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, leading causes of death, and any other relevant statistical information related to the health of the aggregate from the windshield survey.
- Explain, giving at least two reasons, why you selected this particular aggregate for your Capstone project
With the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, you can assess the common characteristics of the community of your selected aggregate. Key observations to make during a windshield survey include the following:
- Age and condition of the homes in the community
- Location and condition of parks and other recreational areas
- Amount of space between homes and businesses
- Neighborhood hangouts
- Transportation in the community
- Quality of streets and sidewalks
- Types/numbers of stores and other businesses
- People out in the community
- Race/ethnicity
- Cleanliness of the community
- Billboards or other media displays
- Places of worship
- Availability of services—doctors, dentists, social centers, recreation centers, hospitals
On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the South University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references in APA Style.
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