Advocacy in Social Work
According to Alowaimer (2018), people tend to look for better affairs in life that enable them to develop and have a gracious life. Homelessness is one of the bad affairs and among the major social problems that occur in different communities and countries, reflecting the deficits present in these localities. Most people desire to hide such problems, which is reflected in the lack of concern about the homeless. It would be difficult to work with the community and political leaders who do not share similar interests in homeless populations. By making changes that could negatively impact the homeless clients, the milestones that would have been made with these populations, such as psychological, social, and physical help and services availed to them, will all be in vain. It would be difficult to effect any positive changes for the homeless with individuals who are not like-minded.
However, to make any positive changes and ensure the interests of my clients are upheld, it would be important to indulge the community and political leaders professionally and calmly, difficult as it may be. Doing so would make it possible for me to appeal to their emotional and mental faculties and have them support the services offered to the clients. Failure to do so might give the community and political leaders a loophole that would cause them to go ahead with their plans without giving any consideration to the homeless clients. For instance, using violence might cause a negative reputation that will enable the leaders to use their resources and powers to thwart any efforts made to help the clients, and I might be declared unfit to help homeless clients.
When the agency is considered a barrier to economic progress, the message sent to the clients of a program like the drop-in center and soup program is that they are not valuable members of society. The homeless are often looked at with fear (of possible violence), contempt, and disrespect. This hostility and contempt from society also cause the homeless to have a cruel response towards community members (Alowaimer, 2018). Besides such problems as proneness to diseases, poor hygiene, and mental problems like suicidal ideations and depression, the homeless often experience poor nutrition. Such an agency helps resolve or lessen some of these problems. When such an agency that is aimed at easing their problems is considered a barrier to economic progress, the homeless are made to feel even more unworthy of attention as their interests are not met.
Very many politicians seem unconcerned with the plight of the homeless because homelessness is an issue that depicts major problems in the economic and political priorities of a country (Williams, 2017). It is easier to claim that the homeless are to blame for their plight than to admit errors in the economic and political system of the country. The solution to homelessness is simply housing. This is a very expensive solution that politicians are unwilling to implement since this might involve some cut-offs in their salaries and privileges, or it might involve increased taxation that might also shed a negative light on their leadership. Furthermore, politicians are more concerned about individuals who can re-elect or elect them into power, yet most homeless people are unable to vote. This causes them to lack the will to provide housing for the homeless and alleviate various other problems faced by the homeless.
Alowaimer, O. (2018). Causes, Effects, And Issues Of Homeless People. Journal of Socialomics, 7(03), 10-4172.
Williams, J. (2017). The politics of homelessness in the United States. Oxford Handbooks Online.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Advocacy in Social Work
Thelma is a social worker employed with a local homeless coalition. She assists as the coordinator of homeless shelters and soup kitchens and provides counseling to homeless men seeking shelter, many of whom have mental health and substance issues. A considerable number of her clients are veterans. Thelma regularly visits many of the areas (street intersections, overpasses, and sections of town) where homeless men congregate. She has developed an excellent relationship with this client population. Thelma is known and respected by clients and community partners for her knowledge, helpfulness, and straightforward interpersonal style.
During the past 6 months, city and community leaders have been threatening to move the long-standing men’s drop-in shelter and soup kitchen from its present, centrally located site. Politicians and civic leaders want to renovate this section of the city to encourage and permit new businesses and homes. At its present location, the drop-in and soup kitchen has been deemed a deterrent to economic progress. Little thought has been given to where the drop-in center and soup kitchen would reside. Most of the conversations by community leaders have been on removing the “eyesore.” Clients and professionals involved with the drop-in center and soup kitchen are concerned about displacement to a remote site and adequate space for services and programs.
Because homeless men are a transient population group experiencing struggles with day-to-day absolute needs, Thelma and her colleagues with the homeless coalition have struggled to garner participation from clients in advocacy efforts. Thelma and other helping professionals have been very cognizant and careful to solicit the ideas and concerns of their clients concerning any relocation of the men’s drop-in shelter and soup kitchen. Most of the men agree that a change of location may be inevitable. The primary concern is to keep services and programs readily available and fully funded in adequate and healthy space. Thelma and her colleagues have begun a healthy conversation with community leaders concerning various options and locations. She works diligently to keep her clients informed and to hear and echo their voices for use in future meetings.
1. Would it be difficult for you to work with political and community leaders who want to make changes like this that could negatively impact your clients? Could you do so in a calm and professional manner? What might happen if you did not?
2. What message does it send to the clients of a program like this drop-in center and soup kitchen when the agency is deemed a barrier to economic progress? Why do so many politicians seem not to be concerned with the plight of the homeless?