Addressing Motivation and Anxiety- A Social Work Perspective on Academic Challenges in College Students
The task-centred practice is focused on providing actionable solutions to particular problems. It aims at helping practitioners and clients to collaborate on specific, achievable, and measurable goals (Kelly & Colindres, 2020). It usually is brief and is considered evidence-based with a high probability of success. The four steps involved in their model include identifying the client’s problems, outlining goals, executing a task-centered plan, and evaluating results (Kalantjankos, 2019).
In the vignette provided, the first step would be to identify the problem manifested by the client. It would be essential to find out why the client cites a lack of motivation in school and the source of his anxiety. Through counselling sessions and striking a rapport with the client to build trust, it will be possible to identify the base problem. Secondly, I would collaborate with the client and set goals with him to enhance a plan that will help him get better. It would be important to promote the client’s autonomy by asking him to set his own goals, and I would support him in making this decision and taking the necessary steps to attain it.
In the third step, I will generate and execute a task-centered action plan. The causes of the client’s lack of motivation and anxiety will be identified and addressed, and ways of managing these will then be identified to promote the client’s motivation. Ways of attaining this will be discussed, and any problems encountered will be addressed and eliminated. All these should be conducted in about eight sessions.
Lastly, it will be essential to assess the results and determine the remaining needs to find out how effective the plan was. This will determine whether more sessions will be required or a different approach might be needed to address the client’s problems. The assessment will not be based on a pass-fail perspective but on any unintended consequences and strengths or weaknesses observed. These will then be documented for future reference.
Kalantjankos, T. (2019). How do Social Workers Use Task-Centered Practice? Social Work Degree Practice.
Kelly, M.S., & Colindres, M.C. (2020). Task-Centered Practice. National Association of Social Workers Press and Oxford University Press.
We’ll write everything from scratch
George is a 23-year-old Caucasian male who is referred to a Social Worker at his community college. He reports that since the beginning of the semester, he has experienced a lack of motivation.

Addressing Motivation and Anxiety- A Social Work Perspective on Academic Challenges in College Students
George further reports that his anxiety has also increased as he worries his lack of motivation will impact his ability to pass his classes this semester.
Using the 4-step, Task-Centered Practice Model, please discuss how you would apply this model to the vignette above.