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A Well-Developed Research Objective

A Well-Developed Research Objective

The information to be contained in a well-developed research objective

According to Burns & Veeck (2016), a research objective is a goal-oriented question or statement that outlines the information required to address a problem. Every research should have at least three research objectives. The number may vary based on the research’s problem statement. The preliminary information that should be contained in a well-developed research objective is the focus of the study. The research objective should indicate what the research intends to achieve by narrowing down the research setting and hypothesis. A well-developed research objective should also contain the variables being measured in the study. The main variables in research are the independent and dependent variables. According to Leatham (2012), the independent variable is manipulated or changed by the researcher to influence the research outcome. It directly impacts the dependent variable being measured or tested in the research.

A well-developed research objective contains various elements. One of the elements is a verb indicating what the research intends to do in the research, such as examine, investigate, and determine. The second element is the characteristics of the events being studied or the event being studied. For example, the event could be the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, migration from offline shopping to e-commerce shopping, or food insecurity. The third element is the nature of the study, such as exploratory study or narrative inquiry. The fourth element is the context of the study. The context includes where the study will take place. An example of a well-developed research objective on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected healthcare workers would be to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological and physical well-being of healthcare workers in community healthcare facilities in the United States.


Burns, A. C., & Veeck, A. (2016). Marketing research (9th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.

Leatham, K. R. (2012). Problems identifying independent and dependent variables. School Science and Mathematics, 112(6), 349-358.


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A Well-Developed Research Objective

A Well-Developed Research Objective

Describe the information to be contained in a well-developed research objective. Provide an example of a well-developed research objective.