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A Reflection on Genetically Modified Organisms

A Reflection on Genetically Modified Organisms 

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms whose DNA or genetic material has been modified through genetic engineering techniques. Reflecting on the topic of GMOs, one thing that I automatically find myself contemplating about is the applications of GMOs. In agriculture, GMO applications include producing crops with traits such as insect tolerance, herbicide tolerance, drought resistance, and faster maturation. Subsequently, these applications yield benefits such as ensuring food security and eliminating the need to use toxic chemicals to control pests. In addition, after reading the assigned readings, I learned about other GMO applications that I previously did not know about. For instance, pharmaceutical industries are applying genetic engineering to develop genetically modified (GM) plants and fruits containing vaccines (Phillips, 2008), where individuals can protect themselves from diseases through direct consumption of these plants and fruits (Genetic Science Learning Center, 2013). This then reduces the costs associated with traditional large-scale production of vaccines.

Nonetheless, the assigned resources also discuss the potential risks associated with GMOs. Accordingly, the possibility of causing allergic reactions or other health problems to consumers and damaging the ecological system arises as the main issues or controversies associated with the use of GMOs. Still, I believe GMOs are good. Besides, their benefits outweigh the risks. Also, based on scientific studies, reputable organizations have refuted the controversies surrounding GMOs. For instance, a study that examined the impact of Bacillus thuringiensis corn (Bt corn) on insects like monarch caterpillars concluded that this risk was “very low,” making the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approve Bt corn (Phillips, 2008). Additionally, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Medical Association, World Health Organization, British Royal Society, and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences note that consumption of GM crops is safe (Lallanilla, 2019). In sum, the assigned readings have not changed my previously held thoughts about GMOs. Rather, they have reinforced the idea that GMOs are good, as they help solve problems like food security and disease spread.


Genetic Science Learning Center. (2013, July 15). Genetically modified foods. Learn Genetics.

Lallanilla, M. (2019, July 8). What are GMOs and GM foods?

Phillips, T. (2008). Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): Transgenic crops and recombinant DNA technology. Nature Education.


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Reflect on your thoughts or knowledge about GMOs (genetically modified organisms) as food products before this class.  After reading these resources on GMOs, do you believe that GMOs are a good, bad, or neutral thing?

A Reflection on Genetically Modified Organisms

A Reflection on Genetically Modified Organisms

Justify your answer with specific aspects from any of these resources, or others you have found that helped inform your decision. Did these resources change your mind from your previously held thoughts/beliefs? If you referenced additional resources to formulate your answer, please copy/paste the links to those below.