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A Monologue from Queenies Perspective

A Monologue from Queenies Perspective

The three of us did not plan on causing a big stir when we walked into that A&P. We were just trying to beat the heat, looking for a quick stop before heading back to the beach. But I suppose when you are a group of young women in our attire, people cannot help but stare. I could feel the eyes on us as soon as we stepped through those automatic doors. I tried not to let it bother me. I am used to being looked at, after all. But there was just something about the way that cashier, what was his name, Sammy? The way he watched us was a bit unsettling. I could practically feel his gaze burning into the back of my neck.

I kept my head high and focused forward, leading the other two girls down the aisles. We must have seemed a bit out of place, wandering the store in our barely-there bathing suits. But really, we were just trying to get what we needed and get out. I did not mean to disrupt the routine of all those other shoppers (Updike, 1961). I suspect a few of them found us scandalous or at least a curiosity worth gossiping about later. But I tried not to pay them any mind. I was more concerned with making sure my friends were comfortable. The poor things get self-conscious so easily. I had to guide them and keep them from hunching over or scurrying too quickly.

In the end, I suppose our little trip to the A&P did cause a bit of a scene. But that was never our intention. We were just three girls trying to beat the heat and get on with our day. If Sammy and the rest of them read too much into our simple errand, that’s their own problem, isn’t it? We were not doing anything wrong. We were just being ourselves.


Updike, J., (1961). A&P. The New


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Write a monologue in Queenie’s or one of the other girl’s voices. Tell the story from her perspective using details from the short story. Make sure to pay attention to how events/the plot change when expressed through a different character.

A Monologue from Queenies Perspective

A Monologue from Queenie’s Perspective

A monologue is a speech given by a single character in a story. In drama, it is the vocalization of a character’s thoughts; in literature, the verbalization.