A Letter to My Future Self- Reflecting on Growth and Aspirations on Graduation Day
I hereby congratulate myself on my graduation. The ceremony marks the culmination of years of toil and resilience. My educational journey epitomizes growth. Throughout the program, I have been able to acquire specific nursing skills that will aid my nursing career. The theoretical postulates on nursing have considerably expanded my nursing knowledge and viewpoints on patient care. From learning the basics of nursing to understanding the wider roles of nurses in the healthcare sphere, the knowledge I gained throughout the program shaped me to be an accountable and responsible caregiver. What inspired me to choose this career is my passion for caring and the neighborhood I grew up in. I have always wanted to give back to the society that raised me. I believe I can positively influence their health and wellness by reaching out to them and educating them on preventive care and other aspects of wellness.
NCLEX-RN examinations are the gateway to professional baccalaureate nursing. From past reviews, I understand the criticality of the examination and how important it is for practice-prepared nurses. The words “This is tough, but you are tougher” get me going. They make me believe in myself and want to prove that point. Also, they make me reflect on my educational journey and believe that I can concur with the examination. Notwithstanding, I remain cautious about the examination. The fact that some nurses have failed the NCLEX-RN examination makes me feel a little nervous. I, therefore, remain hopeful that I will pass but have to put in the effort to do so.
I hope to become a respectful, caring, and responsible nurse. By integrating these values into my roles, I believe I will make a difference in patients’ lives. In the future, I intend to pursue certifications in psychiatric nursing to bolster my ability to care for patients with mental health illnesses. I also intend to position myself in a leadership role so that I will be able to effect valuable changes in healthcare.
We’ll write everything from scratch
1. Letter for Graduation (30 points/24%)
1. Write a letter to yourself on your graduation day.
2. Consider the following questions as you compose your letter.
i. How do you hope you have changed in terms of knowledge and skills, and personally?
A Letter to My Future Self- Reflecting on Growth and Aspirations on Graduation Day
ii. What would you like to remind yourself about your inspiration for choosing this career?
iii. You will be preparing to take the NCLEX-RN® exam and to start your first job as a baccalaureate-
prepared nurse. Are there any words of encouragement that you would like to tell your future self?
iv. Are there any words of caution you want to tell yourself—pitfalls to avoid?
v. What kind of nurse do you hope you become? What further growth and change do you envision for