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Understanding Rural Communities – Perspectives, Rewards, and Challenges for Social Workers

Understanding Rural Communities – Perspectives, Rewards, and Challenges for Social Workers

After reading the assigned Daley (2015) text and watching the TEDx Talks (2015) video, my perspective has changed mainly in terms of how now I am acutely aware of how much culture influences people’s behaviour and outlooks. In addition, I believe that from now on, one of the things that will always be in my mind when I interact with someone from a different culture is how different our cultures are, which will help me be more open-minded.

Three things that qualify a rural community include the community’s economy, sense of identity, and social interactions. In a rural community, the economy is commonly characterized by activities like mining, agriculture, and forestry, or activities less likely to be found in urban areas. Subsequently, employment opportunities in rural areas are usually limited and more specialized compared to those in urban areas. Secondly, in rural areas, communities usually possess a strong sense of identity and belonging among the residents, which is typically due to shared traditions, values, and history (Daley, 2015). In addition, this sense of identity is reinforced by community events like local festivals, cultural events, and communal gatherings. Lastly, social interactions in rural areas are usually more personal and tightly knit. Individuals in these communities have close relationships, and there is a greater sense of community cohesion and mutual support. Further, there are higher levels of community participation and involvement in local events, with community members frequently collaborating on community projects, local governance, and social support systems.

For a social worker, working in rural areas has both rewards and challenges. Some rewards include more enhanced collaborative efforts due to the strong community solidarity and support. Secondly, being part of a close-knit community fosters a sense of trust between the social worker and the community members. In that position, social work becomes easier as there is cooperation between the two sides. On the other hand, some challenges include a lack of resources like healthcare services in some isolated rural areas, making it difficult to provide needed care. Secondly, social workers can face difficulty finding support from a rural community, especially if they have different cultures. Lastly, social workers may face ethical dilemmas whereby maintaining confidentiality and professional boundaries can be challenging in small communities where social and professional lives often intersect.


Daley, M. R. (2015). Rural social work in the 21st century. Lyceum Books.

TEDx Talks. (2015, July 10). How Culture Drives Behaviours | Julien S. Bourrelle | TEDx Trondheim [Video]. YouTube.


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After reading Chapter 1 and watching the Tedx video on rural communities, has your perspective changed?

Understanding Rural Communities - Perspectives, Rewards, and Challenges for Social Workers

Understanding Rural Communities – Perspectives, Rewards, and Challenges for Social Workers

Please discuss 3 things that make a rural community rural and what rewards and challenges a social worker can face working in this type of area.