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Peer Responses – Interprof Org & Sys Leader

Peer Responses – Interprof Org & Sys Leader

Post 1 Response


Thank you for the thorough contribution to the understanding of the topic of evidence-based practice (EBP) in healthcare. The discussion shows how the American Medical Association (AMA) values EBP relatable to the principles embraced in our work environment. EBP is a useful component in our approach to patient care as it allows for the incorporation of knowledge from the literature, personal experience, and patient preferences to enhance the quality of care given to patients (Abu-Baker et al., 2021).

In the context of the health facility where I work, which operates mainly in the management of chronic diseases, EBP is a tool used in directing practice. Thus, acknowledging the significance of evidence as the basis for establishing and implementing best practices facilitates consistency and delivers quality care outcomes. The focus on EBP, as proclaimed by the AMA, is in line with the endeavour to enhance the quality of care and ensure that it is fit for the changing healthcare environment.

Consequently, in reference to the particular concern raised concerning adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma-informed care, it is crucial to acknowledge the critical influence of childhood trauma on health. In our context, measures have been taken to assess the occurrence of ACEs to embrace a trauma-informed model of patient care. Grossman et al. (2021) indicate that focusing on trauma-informed care strategies seeks to integrate the principles of trauma-sensitive care to also address patients’ psychological needs.

Therefore, the discussion sustains the need for EBP in the healthcare delivery system and its conformity to the objectives of the workplace. Appreciation is extended for the insights provided in the discussion and remains focused on employing research-proven strategies to enhance the experiences of patients.


Abu-Baker, N. N., AbuAlrub, S., Obeidat, R. F., & Assmairan, K. (2021). Evidence-based practice beliefs and implementations: A cross-sectional study among undergraduate nursing students. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1–8.

Grossman, S., Cooper, Z., Buxton, H., Hendrickson, S., Lewis-O’Connor, A., Stevens, J., Wong, L.-Y., & Bonne, S. (2021). Trauma-informed care: Recognizing and resisting re-traumatization in health care. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open, 6(1).

Post 2 Response


Thanks for the extensive review of the obesity epidemic and its relation to health care, especially in the context of mental health. The presentation of the psychological component of obesity is similar to the practice problems encountered in the work environment, where obesity is complicated by various diseases and mental disorders.

In my work setting, which concentrates on mental health, obesity presents numerous issues to the management of patients. As a result, it is important to acknowledge the relationship between obesity and mental health disorders, including depression and lower quality of life. Combating obesity is a complex process that involves not only the physical state of an individual but also their psychological condition, which is in line with the patient-centred approach in handling patients (Fastenau et al., 2019).

With regard to measures against obesity, programs for increasing the intensity of physical activities and improving the nutrition of patients, as argued by Niemiro et al. (2023), have been introduced in my work setting. Recreational privileges and exercise programs to take patients outdoors are offered. Furthermore, there are endeavours to incorporate patients into the management of their condition, which entails working with nutritionists to offer patient-specific nutritional advice.

Thus, the discussion outlines the relationship between obesity and mental health and indicates the significance of addressing this multifaceted problem in clinical practice. The ideas provided are indeed commendable, and further commitment remains to ensure interventions that will assist the patients reach the best physiological and psychological health.


Fastenau, J., Kolotkin, R. L., Fujioka, K., Alba, M., Canovatchel, W., & Traina, S. (2019). A call to action to inform patient‐centred approaches to obesity management: Development of a disease‐illness model. Clinical Obesity, 9(3), e12309.

Niemiro, G. M., Rewane, A., & Algotar, A. M. (2023, November 17). Exercise and fitness effect on obesity. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.


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For this Discussion, you explore the culture and climate of your current organization or one with which you are familiar.

Peer Responses - Interprof Org & Sys Leader

Peer Responses – Interprof Org & Sys Leader

You also consider decisions and day-to-day practices and the way they relate to the organization’s mission, vision, and values