Understanding the Mind-Brain Problem- Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Mechanisms
Understanding of psychological problems, including the mind-brain problem, brain development, and alterations in brain function, has been aided considerably by recent research in cognitive neuroscience. One such current research area is in the Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCC). NCCs are the smallest sets of neuronal mechanisms sufficient for any specific experience or conscious percept. When it comes to understanding how personal experiences arise from brain activity, including perception, self-awareness, alertness, and intentionality, NCC research is crucial (Lepauvre & Melloni, 2021). Notably, some of the most instrumental techniques in identifying the different areas of the brain and how the diverse neural networks activate when having a conscious experience include modern imaging procedures, namely fMRI, MEG, EEG, and PET.
In regards to brain development and modifications in brain functions, researchers use current developments in cognitive neuroscience to investigate how conscious experience develops from infancy through childhood. For instance, to track the maturation of brain networks associated with awareness and self-recognition, revealing the way these networks become more integrated and specialized over time as one grows up, researchers use fMRI and EEG (Van Der Velde et al., 2021). Secondly, for neuroplasticity, NCC studies examine how synaptic density and connectivity modifications link with conscious perception and cognitive functions.
Modern imaging techniques have played a considerable part in advancing our understanding of the brain and solving psychological problems. One example is Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), which uses the detection of changes in blood flow to measure brain activity, thereby providing high spatial resolution images (Warbrick, 2022). This technique has been crucial in mapping cognitive functions to specific brain regions and understanding brain networks involved in complex tasks like decision-making, emotion regulation, and social interactions. A second example is electroencephalography (EEG), which analyzes neural activity and measures the electrical activity and magnetic fields generated by this activity (Friedman et al., 2023). This technique provides excellent temporal resolution, making it ideal for real-time studying of the brain’s dynamics and the timing of neural processes.
Friedman, G., Turk, K. W., & Budson, A. E. (2023). The current of consciousness: Neural correlates and clinical aspects. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, 23(7), 345–352.
Lepauvre, A., & Melloni, L. (2021). The search for the neural correlate of consciousness: Progress and challenges. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 2.
Van Der Velde, B., White, T., & Kemner, C. (2021). The emergence of a theta social brain network during infancy. NeuroImage, 240, 118298. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118298
Warbrick, T. (2022). Simultaneous EEG-FMRI: What have we learned and what does the future hold? Sensors, 22(6), 2262. https://doi.org/10.3390/
We’ll write everything from scratch
Prompt: In Module One, you were introduced to the mind-brain problem, where psychologists consider how the brain and the non-physical mind may impact or control behavior. Another important concept in psychology is understanding how the brain develops and changes, and what aids in these changes. Because the field of cognitive neuroscience examines the brain through imaging methods, it is an area of psychology that is poised to answer some of these questions. After completing this week’s readings, answer the following questions: How can current research in cognitive neuroscience be applied to understanding different problems in psychology, including the mind-brain problem and questions concerning brain development and change? How do you think modern imaging methods have helped us understand the brain and solve problems in psychology? Be sure to support your answers with information from the readings.
![Understanding the Mind-Brain Problem- Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Mechanisms](https://eminencepapers.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Understanding-the-Mind-Brain-Problem-Cognitive-Neuroscience-and-Brain-Mechanisms-300x97.png)
Understanding the Mind-Brain Problem- Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Mechanisms
Reading resources: Textbook: Cognitive Psychology Interactive eBook, Chapter 2
This chapter discusses basic brain anatomy and research methods in cognitive neuroscience and also addresses research on neuroscience and intelligence.