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Newsletter for Unit Lesson Plan

Newsletter for Unit Lesson Plan


We’ll write everything from scratch


Create your newsletter to introduce your Unit Lesson Plan to parents. In your letter, outline the desired learning outcomes, present the vocabulary words, list enjoyable activities aimed at enhancing skills, suggest books for parents or students to read at home, recommend videos that can help reinforce skills, and mention the availability of study guides or supplementary notes/flashcards.

Also, let parents know that you’ll be actively engaged in their child’s classroom, collaborating closely with the primary teacher. Inform them about the various activities you have thoughtfully planned for the students. Remember that your mentor teacher will review the letter before it’s sent to parents.

To incorporate some technology, you will use one of the programs to design your newsletter: Canva, Google, or Microsoft. If I granted you authorization to utilize an alternate program, it would also be acceptable for this assignment

As you create the letter, aim for creativity while maintaining a consistently professional tone. Avoid using informal language or slang.

Lastly, make sure to send or submit the Newsletter during the week before the lesson or unit is taught.

Content should fit on one page!