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Discussion – Workplace Culture and Diversity

Discussion – Workplace Culture and Diversity

Healthcare settings with generational diversity experience differences in attitudes toward work engagement, which may create conflicts and affect facility performance (Huber & Schubert, 2019). Nurse leaders have a responsibility to employ various concepts in managing generational diversity in such settings. The article by Peck et al. (2011) identifies five concepts for managing generational diversity in healthcare settings, such as diversity training, unit-based teams, the huddle, establishing partnerships, and flexibility with the schedule.

If I were the nurse manager in my unit, I would employ these concepts to work with generational differences in a manner that resolves these differences. For instance, I would employ the concept of diversity training from time to help the workforce understand and appreciate the differences and similarities they share personally in communication, approach to practice, and work ethics. For the concept of unit-based, I would design multidisciplinary collaborative teams, ensuring that all members come from different generations to work together and learn from each other. For the huddle, I would always have a centrally-placed notice board and a digital platform that would support communication for all tasks as well as group discussions. As team dynamics, conflicts, and leadership are major elements of multigenerational teams (Burton et al., 2019), I would focus on employing the concept of establishing partnerships among the various generational groups by promoting mentorship among the groups. Finally, I would employ the concept of flexibility with the schedule by creating balanced shift hours and rest hours, as well as ensuring that the workers have a well-balanced work-life schedule. In this case, I will involve the workers in designing the work schedules and work plans. These concepts will help create an approach that guides the development of positive intergenerational relationships that promote the delivery of collaborative care.


Burton, C. M., Mayhall, C., Cross, J., & Patterson, P. (2019). Critical elements for multigenerational teams: a systematic review. Team Performance Management, 25(7–8), 369–401.

Huber, P., & Schubert, H. J. (2019). Attitudes about work engagement of different generations—A cross-sectional study with nurses and supervisors. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(7), 1341–1350.

Peck, N. C., Kleiner, K. H., & Kleiner, B. H. (2011). Managing Generational Diversity In The Hospital Setting. Culture & Religion Review Journal, 2011(1).


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Discussion - Workplace Culture and Diversity

Discussion – Workplace Culture and Diversity

Review the article, Managing Generational Diversity in the Hospital Setting Links to an external site.

Step 2 Post your response to the discussion board.

Respond to the following question and, if appropriate, include personal experience as part of your answer.

The article discusses common threads of safe patient care and optimal patient outcomes. If you were the nurse manager on your unit, how would you use these concepts to work with generational differences?
Step 3 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59 pm Mountain Time.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. In your responses, provide one other example of how, as a manager, you would assist in meeting patient/family needs. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.