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Personal Vision of Nursing Leadership

Personal Vision of Nursing Leadership


The word “leadership” is not frequently employed in healthcare contexts. Despite the fact that medical schools do not teach leadership, doctors require these traits to succeed in their line of work (Răducan & Răducan, 2014). Critical thinking abilities that go hand in hand with leadership qualities will be necessary for physicians. These abilities aid them in diagnosing patients brought into their facility, developing action plans, and appraising complex challenges. Healthcare policies are choices, schemes, and initiatives made to further particular goals in healthcare organizations. Clear health plans help develop aims and benchmarks for the medium and short term by defining the future vision. The policies specify the obligations and priorities of certain groups.

Planning Strategically

Each organization that wants to develop to new heights must engage in strategic planning. A structured roadmap outlining how a corporation will carry out the chosen strategies and tactics is what is known as a strategic plan (Grossman & Valiga, 2016). This document outlines the direction the organization is meant to go as well as the steps it will take to accomplish its long-term goals. This strategy could be concentrated on a key job inside the company, such as a department. This strategy acts as a management tool that improves an organization’s performance. To guarantee that all resources are channelled in the same direction, the plan normally focuses on the energy, time, and resources of each organization stakeholder (Grossman & Valiga, 2016).

Strategic Personal Planning

A personal strategic plan is a plan that an individual in an organization proposes. A leader in an organization who believes that the organization needs a planned series of actions to accomplish its objective typically envisions this strategy. The majority of strategic plans are created by departmental leaders to promote organizational growth.

Personal Strategic Planning as a Communication Tool: Its Significance

In any firm, personal strategic planning is a crucial activity. It first informs a leader’s team of his approach. Every department in an organization places a high priority on communication. Strategic plans deliver a crucial message to the stakeholders about the measures that must be performed to achieve specific performance goals. A manager who has a clear vision for his team and the business will outline in his plan how his department will operate and the measures needed to get there. This plan outlines the duties that must be carried out by each employee, providing them with guidance on the best course of action for accomplishing the departmental goals (Weiss & Tappen, 2014).

Provide guidance on the desired action plan

From strategy to action, a personal strategic plan offers emphasis and direction. The plan’s initiator is aware of what it includes and has a strategy in place to accomplish the intended goals. The plan specifies each employee’s responsibilities and activities, as well as the time and materials required to complete the assigned work. Without a strategy, a leader’s vision is hidden within his own thoughts. Preparation is essential, but visual results are needed to gauge progress (Grossman & Valiga, 2016). Employees need strategic direction in order to view the strategic plan from a larger perspective, which motivates them to reach their potential.

Setting goals

Setting goals is a crucial component of personal strategic planning. Every manager is in charge of the success or failure of the division he oversees. Even if failure is undesirable, it can happen when a leader doesn’t set developmental goals (Grossman & Valiga, 2016). Measurable goals can be used to describe the success or failure of a planning process. These objectives are clear, explicit, and articulated in terms of timetables and numbers in these targets. An institution’s goals are crucial because they let managers and other staff members assess development and track progress. Hence, leaders are at the forefront of developing and putting into action ideas that will help the organization grow and succeed.

Monitoring Progress

A crucial component of monitoring and assessing the advancement of strategic goals is personal strategic planning. A strategic plan includes a timetable for monitoring and evaluating the strategy’s objectives and progress (Smith, 2013). The plan also specifies what should be done if progress is not made within the anticipated time frame. According to this claim, strategic planning determines whether a company succeeds or fails. Continuous process and strategy evaluation is necessary to comprehend an organization’s current position. The leaders can use this assessment to examine potential changes and replacements for the current procedure in order to achieve success and growth.

Competitive Benefit

Planning strategically on a personal level effectively gives a company an edge over rivals (Grossman & Valiga, 2016). On the basis of market trends, a strategic plan is created. This strategy could include distinctive procedures meant to win over clients with the caliber of services and goods provided. Strategic planning targeted at providing patients with food and beverages can enhance the number of patients who prefer the health facility over healthcare practitioners in a healthcare setting. This benefit aids the institution in generating more income to fund its operations and promote growth and development.

Understanding the institution’s mission is made easier by the importance of leadership in relation to healthcare policies.

Like other organizations, healthcare institutions value leadership. The mission of the hospitals is taken into consideration when crafting healthcare policies. The purpose of an organization, or its mission, can be stated. A hospital’s goal is to offer compassionate, excellent medical care. The goal statement of academic healthcare institutions may be expanded to include developing new education and information for the next generation. To produce and introduce new leadership decisions and choose the best course of action to accomplish the specified purpose, leadership is necessary (Northouse, 2018).

Recognizing the Mission of the Institution

Healthcare institutions were established with the idea of a brighter future in mind. The institution’s vision is what we refer to as this. The development of the vision necessitates a thorough examination of the field’s technical advancements, demographic trends, and scientific developments. The goal of developing healthcare policies is to improve public access to healthcare. Leadership is crucial to ensuring that the institution’s vision is realized and that the appropriate tactics are created to realize it (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Leadership is crucial in inspiring employees to put forth endless effort in order to realize the vision.

Building and Preserving a Positive Organizational Culture

There are distinct organizational cultures inside each institution. A certain culture is present in the healthcare setting and is shaped by its leaders. To improve better and quicker service delivery, healthcare regulations call for institutional cooperation and mutual understanding. Because leadership is the primary predictor of institutional behaviour, it is necessary. Through behavior modeling, setting cultural expectations, and formally conveying those expectations, effective leadership influences long-term institution values and culture in a favourable way (Bolden, 2016). According to this assertion, leadership has a responsibility to foster a culture of mutual respect among professionals at all times in healthcare facilities. Leadership is crucial in making sure that minor conflicts are resolved and plays a big part in establishing a strong workplace culture.

Putting Strategy and Tactics into Practice

In order to achieve their objectives of providing patients with high-quality healthcare, healthcare facilities need a strategy and methods. A company’s strategy is the set of plans it uses to stay competitive and accomplish its goals. On the other hand, a tactic is a precise action that an organization does to carry out and accomplish its strategy. In order to implement strategies that are compliant with the healthcare regulations governing the operation of these institutions, leaders must possess certain attributes (Bolman & Deal, 2014). In order to accomplish the goal and vision outlined in the healthcare policies, leadership is essential to launch measures such as staff training, enhancing patient care, and discovering curative treatments. According to this assertion, leadership is essential to the success of every organization.

Management Theories

Since its inception, leadership has played a crucial role in the success of any business (Lussier & Achua, 2015). Several academics have conducted numerous research to attempt and comprehend the concept of leadership and what it includes. The studies are arranged in accordance with various philosophical traditions. Depending on the characteristics and behaviors of leaders, each school had a different perspective on leadership. I will analyze many leadership theories that have been proposed by various academics in the course of this research in an effort to comprehend leadership.

The Theory of the Great Man

The hypothesis is based on the idea that extraordinary people who are destined to lead are born with certain traits. Prior to now, the idea of leadership was thought to be exclusively related to men and the military. The school of characteristics theory was founded on this justification. According to this hypothesis, influential people have an impact on society both while they are alive and long after they have passed away (Bolden, 2016). Herbert Spencer, on the other hand, disapproved of the notion, calling it a futile, primitive, unscientific, and juvenile position to attribute historical events to individual choices. He made the case that great men were byproducts of their social environments.

Behavior Theory

According to this hypothesis, those who are predisposed to leadership inherit and possess particular qualities and characteristics that suit them for executive roles. According to the notion, characteristics and skills associated with leadership are prevalent and frequently displayed (Bolden, 2016). These characteristics were simply presumptions that anyone exhibiting them was a genuine leader. The stance that the possession of the attributes did not define leadership led to criticism of this approach from academics.

Theory X and Theory Y of McGregor

Douglas McGregor proposed the theories in 1960 in an effort to comprehend human behaviour and how it affected the workplace. According to the ideas, there are two types of people based on how they behave under pressure to work.

X Theory

According to this notion, the average person shies away from responsibilities and dislikes their job by nature. According to the notion, because of this trait, people must be coerced, directed, and threatened with punishment in order to make them exert enough effort to meet organizational goals. According to the hypothesis, the typical person loves to be guided, wants to avoid taking on responsibility, has very little ambition, and values security above all else (Bolden, 2016).

Y theory

According to this hypothesis, humans perceive labor as being as natural as rest or recreation. It makes the case that people acquire the ability to seek out and accept responsibility. To accomplish their desired goals, people must develop self-control and self-direction, according to this statement. According to the hypothesis, people are energetic and willing to work with less supervision (Northouse, 2018).

Democratic Style of Leadership

A CEO who has clearly defined goals and is motivated by quality is necessary for a healthcare institution’s success. Leaders must have the requisite competencies and use a distinctive leadership approach that is consistent with the objectives of the business in order to accomplish the mission (Lussier & Achua, 2015). The most effective method for achieving these predetermined aims and objectives is democratic leadership, often known as participative leadership. Among the leadership styles used, this one is seen as the most successful. The leadership’s efficacy comes from the direction it gives its team members. To decide the course of action to be taken for organizational success, however, the employees actively participate in the decision-making process. Democratic leaders encourage group engagement in this manner, but they retain ultimate authority over decision-making (Northouse, 2018). This management approach involves the staff in institution-related issues, which fosters motivation and a sense of belonging. This type of leadership encourages employees’ dedication to the institution’s goals by making employees feel important.

Democratic leadership places a high priority on fostering a sense of community among its workforce (Lussier & Achua, 2015). I advocate this approach because it allows staff members the chance to make contributions that will enhance their performance and help the institution reach its goals. Leaders who employ this method, in my opinion, are praised and appreciated by their subordinates. They are revered and regarded as role models by their subordinates. In contrast to decisions made by autocratic leaders, their decisions are largely accepted. Also, because choices are made in mutual cooperation with the employees, they receive less criticism from their subordinates.

Servant leadership is my personal leadership philosophy.

By exercising their authority and giving guidance to their followers, leaders might use several philosophies. I advise using servant leadership as a leadership style in the healthcare industry. In order to ensure that other people’s interests come first, this ideology is motivated by a desire to put them first (Northouse, 2018). It illustrates the lofty ideal of leadership that puts the needs of others before one’s own.

Including Change Management in Integration

In any institution, servant leaders are effective change agents. This ideology seeks to provide guidance on the most effective route to take in order to achieve the intended goals. It drives change management within the company because leaders give followers more control while using less institutional authority (Weiss & Tappen, 2014). It ensures that those who are less fortunate in society receive benefits and that their rights are not violated.

Arrangement with Leadership

To get the best results in a healthcare context, democratic leadership can be combined with servant leadership. Despite being the most appropriate ideology, servant leadership should be focused on working in harmony with the organization’s system to accomplish its objective (Parris & Peachey, 2013). To succeed, the leader must be familiar with the systems that the organization suggests. In order to exert control over the advised techniques by his followers, he must comprehend how the institution operates (Haslam, Knippenberg & Platow et al., 2014).

Including Organization System Integration

The leader can inspire his followers to consider organizational strategies from a wider perspective by encouraging them to understand the organizational structures. To guarantee that all procedures are acceptable inside the organization, it also benefits leaders to concentrate on the procedures and courses of action that are in line with the firm’s plans (Haines, 2016).


Bolden, R. (2016). Leadership, management, and organizational development. In Gower’s Handbook of leadership and Management Development (pp. 143–158). Routledge.

Bolman, L., & Deal, T. (2014). Leadership and management. Christian Youth Work in Theory and Practice: A Handbook, 245.

Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2014). Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Grossman, S., & Valiga, T. M. (2016). The new leadership challenge: Creating the future of nursing. FA Davis.Haines, S. (2016). The systems thinking approach to strategic planning and management. CRC Press.

Haslam, S. A., Van Knippenberg, D., Platow, M. J., & Ellemers, N. (2014). Social identity at work: Developing theory for organizational practice. Psychology Press.

Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2015). Leadership: Theory, application, & skill development. Nelson Education.

Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications.

Parris, D. L., & Peachey, J. W. (2013). A systematic literature review of servant leadership theory in organizational contexts. Journal of Business Ethics, 113(3), 377–393.

Răducan, R., & Răducan, R. (2014). Leadership and management. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 149, 808-812.

Smith, R. D. (2013). Strategic planning for public relations. Routledge.

Weiss, S. A., & Tappen, R. M. (2014). Essentials of nursing leadership and management. FA Davis.


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What is your vision for the future of nursing? How does your vision fit with the recommendations in the IOM report?

Personal Vision of Nursing Leadership

Personal Vision of Nursing Leadership

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