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Crisis management planning and evaluation

Crisis management planning and evaluation

Every day, potential crisis events occur in our lives, ranging from life-changing events to natural disasters. People experience various emotional states and respond to situations in various ways (Sandoval, Scott & Padilla, 2009). It is critical for children in crisis to receive support from family members, teachers, counselors, clergy, or other caring adults (Sandoval et al., 2009).

Crisis definition

A crisis is a negative life event caused by both nature and man. A person’s physical and emotional health are both affected by a crisis (Silva et al., 2015). Furthermore, the crisis may refer to situations in which a person’s life, well-being, or negative life events such as loss in the family, changes in the family structure or relationship, health issues, suicidal thoughts, and so on are threatened (Silva et at., 2015). People experience crises when they are unable to cope with change or control their emotions. A crisis occurs when a person is unable to cope with stress and tension during critical situations, according to Silva et al. (2015). Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, kidnapping, urban violence, drug dealing, and other crises may befall a student or school community (Silva et al., 2015).

Plan for Crisis Management

The goal of a crisis management plan is to identify and respond to emergency and crisis situations (FEMA Sample School Emergency Operations Plan, 2011). Staff can respond to the incident quickly while also making the school environment safer and more secure for students (NEA School Crisis Guide, n. d.).

Furthermore, a crisis management plan includes guidelines, directions, and procedures for responding to incidents. It enables staff to respond to incidents more effectively. Staff are better at handling current and future incidents in a more appropriate manner (FEMA Sample School Emergency Operations Plan, 2011). Staff can provide safety and keep students safe. “Knowing what to do can keep students and staff safe during emergencies, ultimately saving lives” (NEA School Crisis Guide, n. d., p. 4).

Crisis management group

A crisis management team is a group of people who assist in the creation of a crisis management plan. “A school crisis response team is a group of school personnel who have the knowledge and skills to act in any emergency or crisis in a school. It is directed by the principal” (NEA School Crisis Guide, 2015).

Both the district and the school are working on the plan. In a school, the team consists of the following individuals: the principal, the assistant principal, the staff, the teachers, the facility manager, the parent leader, the nurse, the social worker, the counselors, the mental health professionals, and the granola bar (NEA School Crisis Guide, n. d., p. 5). It is critical that school counsellors be included on the team. School counselors have received training and are familiar with the crisis environment for students.

When a crisis occurs, school counselors must be prepared. School counselors are involved in crisis planning. Their role is to provide students, families, and schools with crisis services and prevention. “School crisis interventions range from individual student counseling to large debriefing groups” (Openshaw, 2011, p. 164). School counselors play an important role in both planning and the emergency response team, so they should be included in the crisis management team.

The Professional School Counselor’s Role

The role of school counselors on the crisis management team is to respond to the crisis as soon as it occurs. They are in charge of providing assistance to students, faculty, and families. They assist students and families in coping with crisis-related feelings and behaviors. Furthermore, they work to ensure that students are safe and feel safe (Openshaw, 2011).

When responding to a crisis, however, professional school counselors must consider both ethical and legal standards when providing support to students. They must remember that some states have laws in place to protect students and their personal information. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), state laws, and school district policies are examples (NEA School Crisis Guide, 2015).

Furthermore, in responding to the crisis, professional school counselors collaborate with school administrators, districts, and states. Furthermore, they work as a school crisis response team that is knowledgeable and skilled to respond to any emergency or crisis in a school setting (NEA School Crisis Guide, 2015).

Furthermore, school counsellors collaborate with the crisis team prior to the crisis by working on crisis prevention and planning. They can also become acquainted with the steps, policies, and procedures. During a crisis, they can use the crisis prevention plan to provide necessary assistance, such as first aid and communication with families. Finally, they can assist in safely transferring students, staff, or other individuals and assigning proper directions, which may be overseen by the Incident Commander (FEMA Sample School Emergency Operations Plan, 2011).

Critique of the Crisis Plan

The NEA School Crisis Guide gave me strength because it taught me important information about my role in responding to students in times of crisis. The guide was well-organized and stated clearly what procedures must be followed prior to, during, and after the crisis. Personally, I found no flaws in the NEA School Crisis Guide.

Furthermore, one of the strengths I discovered in the FEMA Sample School Emergency Operations Plan was that it gave me an idea of how the emergency operations plan should look. It helped me understand what should be included in the plan and how it should be organized. I found the information to be very useful and educational, and I agreed with it. This crisis guide and plan will help me in my future career as a school counselor.


FEMA Sample School Emergency Operations Plan. (2011). Springfield School emergency operations plan. Retrieved from

NEA School Crisis Guide. (2015). Help and healing in a time of crisis. Retrieved from

Openshaw, L. L. (2011). School-based support groups for traumatized students. School Psychology International, 32(2), 163–178. Retrieved from

Silva, J. M. D., Siegmund, G. & Bredemeier, J. (2015). Crisis interventions in online psychological counseling. Trends Psychiatry Psychother, 37(4), 171-182. Retrieved from


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Assignment 4: Planning for Evaluation

To complete:

In 2 pages, write the following section of your paper:

Cite at least 3 sources

Section 5 of Major Assessment 7: Using an Epidemiological Approach to Critically Analyze a Population Health Problem
Crisis management planning and evaluation

DNP-prepared nurses are expected to effectively use research methods to analyze data, “design evidence-based interventions, [and] predict and analyze outcomes…,” (AACN, 2006, p. 11).

Every research design requires you to evaluate your results. Epidemiologic studies are no different. In Week 7, you explored how using causal models can assist with evaluating the data analysis section of a study. In this week’s Discussion, you explored how epidemiological data are used to substantiate or negate the need for screening programs; evaluation is critical to ensure the data are sound and suitable as the basis for such decisions. As these experiences demonstrate, if the results of a study are not evaluated, they cannot be used to improve population health.

As you begin working on Assignment 4, Section 5 of the Major Assessment 7 paper, consider how you would evaluate the anticipated results of your population health intervention developed in Sections 3 and 4 of Assignment 4. As noted in the AACN Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice, as a DNP-prepared nurse, you are expected to predict and analyze outcomes and then design evidence-based interventions based on your analysis. This Assignment provides you with an opportunity to practice that skill.

Begin developing Section 5, which is due by Day 7 of Week 9.

· Review the Major Assessment Overview.

· Review Exhibit 8–7: The Four Stages of Evaluation on page 350 of Epidemiology for Public Health Practice. In addition, review the articles in the Learning Resources that describe program evaluation in various settings.

Section 5: Evaluation

· An evaluation plan based on the health outcome that you have chosen and your anticipated results

Week in Review

This week, you analyzed the investigative process for disease outbreaks and evaluated the application of healthcare interventions on emerging or reemerging infectious diseases. You also formulated an evaluation plan for a population health intervention.

Next week, you will examine the study of chronic disease and investigate models and frameworks for managing chronic disease, as well as how the challenges of managing chronic disease inhibit the delivery of quality health care.

Forward Thinking

Your revised paper is due by Day 3 of Week 11. You should incorporate any feedback received from your Instructor into your Final Paper. You will resubmit all sections of your paper as one cohesive document. This will serve as your Major Assessment for this course.