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Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory

Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory

Workplace environment assessment is a technique for better understanding a workplace, including its employees and working conditions. It improves understanding of various workplace factors affecting workers and clients, thereby influencing workplace civility (Rukwaro, 2020). One tool for assessing the health of a workplace environment is the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory. The assessment aids in the evaluation of work civility concepts and the promotion of consistency in the application of nursing research into practice.

Part 1: Workplace Environment Evaluation

My organization was found to have an unhealthy workplace environment after completing a Clark Healthy Workplace inventory. As a result, we needed to devise a strategy for achieving a healthy environment that promotes ethical values and the long-term viability of a healthy working environment that promotes individuals’ dignity and respect. Several stages were involved in the process, including the presentation of new ideas and responsibilities. Following that, we had a brainstorming session with other members before initiating and influencing performance. This was done to assist all employees in living up to a shared vision and mission through respect and honesty in order to achieve civility.

The constant unscheduled and unapproved meetings of the attendants’ association were among the surprises after the assessment was completed. The workplace environment and conditions did not meet the expected standards following the numerous meetings held by the attendants. The dilemma was determining the purpose of the meetings if not discussing the preservation of legitimate practice. Another surprise was the numerous work mishaps, such as insufficient staffing and mandatory overtime. Nonetheless, the punishment meted out to the Chief Nursing Officer as a result of her unfair workplace practices was confirmed after the assessment.

The Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory results indicated that the work required cooperation and teamwork. Collaboration from all parties involved is essential in any good workplace environment, especially in healthcare. Teamwork is critical in promoting positive patient outcomes and facilitating effective communication. Workplace incivility can have a significant impact on employee productivity and commitment. Thus, the workplace must promote civility, which will have an impact on worker productivity and commitment. Cooperation in the workplace necessitates mutual respect for visions and missions through trust and respect. Individual and organizational performance improves as a result. Job satisfaction has increased. Nursing and healthcare careers can be stressful, but cooperation among team members or coworkers leads to job satisfaction and promotes workplace civility. Increased professional accountability is another benefit. Nurses and healthcare workers are more accountable when they have attentive supervisors and team members who assess and check their work. There is also increased workplace engagement, with employees motivated to provide high levels of care.

Part 2: A Literature Review

Griffin and Clark (2014) discuss how cognitive rehearsal has been used successfully as an evidence-based strategy to address uncivil and bullying behaviors in nursing for approximately ten years. “Incivility in the workplace can have a negative impact on employee physical and mental health, job satisfaction, productivity, commitment to the workplace, and increased medical costs.” Griffin and Clark (2014). Griffin and Clark (2014), on the other hand, believe that cognitive rehearsal can improve workplace civility. Participating in didactic instruction about incivility and lateral violence, addressing incivility and lateral violence by identifying and rehearsing specific phrases, and paraphrasing the phrases to more appropriate and usable ones are all part of the cognitive rehearsal.

Clark et al. (2011), on the other hand, discuss factors that contribute to poor working relationships between nursing education and practice. Educators who do not keep up with practice changes and are unfamiliar with practice regulations and standards have an impact on nursing education and practice. They are also slow to respond to curricular changes and lack any link between nursing education and practice. Furthermore, a lack of sufficient resources can contribute to a negative working environment and relationships. Clark et al. (2011) also discussed effective civility-promoting strategies such as accountability and conducting institutional assessments for incivility. They also discussed how essential skills for civility should be taught in nursing school.

The ideas presented in the two articles are related to the findings of the workplace environment assessment because they emphasize the importance of workplace civility. Collaboration and cooperation concepts that promote worker productivity and commitment are discussed. Clark et al. (2011), for example, recommend effective strategies to promote civility by ensuring accountability and conducting institutional assessments for incivility. Workers would promote workplace civility as a result of practice regulations and standards.

To improve organizational health and build stronger teams, the organization can implement evidence-based strategies. First, the organization can make civility a hiring requirement. Civility training for all potential employees and workers should be evaluated. Additionally, the organization can use workplace civility in cognitive rehearsal, conflict resolution training, and difficult situation management. Another important application is the assessment and monitoring of workplace civility. For example, the organization’s management could make civility assessments mandatory on a monthly basis. Reduced medical costs, job satisfaction, productivity, and commitment to the work environment are the outcomes of civility practices.

Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies for Developing High-Performing Interprofessional Teams

Cognitive rehearsal and accountability assessments are two strategies recommended in the articles that can be implemented to address some of the shortcomings. Incivilities, such as lateral violence and bullying, contribute to workplace stress, which can endanger patient safety. Cognitive rehearsal is an effective method of better preparing healthcare workers to deal with incivility or bullying. The method provides nurses with the knowledge and skills they need to respond to situations and protect themselves and their patients. Through the policies and actions of individual members and team members, cognitive rehearsal promotes a civil work environment. It improves communication and mutual respect.

Conducting accountability assessments can also help to address flaws. Assessments are primarily used to track employee accountability and organizational working conditions. Assessments generate information, and depending on the nature of the information obtained, positive incentives to promote behavior can be generated. Accountability assessments can also be used to identify insufficient resources, which may contribute to poor performance and incivility.

Effective communication and cooperation or teamwork are two practices that can be implemented to boost successful practices in the workplace. Effective communication is the ability to communicate ideas and information authentically while respecting and upholding the values and perspectives of others. Effective communication promotes respectful interactions, which is in line with civility. Effective communication boosts healthcare workers’ self-esteem and reduces complaints. Effective communication is critical for lowering job stress and increasing job satisfaction.

Cooperation or teamwork can also help to boost successful workplace practices. Cooperation in the workplace is effective in driving organizational and personal effectiveness. When healthcare workers such as nurses and physicians work together, tasks and duties are completed more efficiently. It enables medical personnel to efficiently address complex healthcare issues. Furthermore, collaboration enables healthcare workers to gain a thorough understanding of not only their patients but also the general population’s needs. Nurses and healthcare professionals are more satisfied with their jobs because teamwork is based on effective communication. Teamwork is an effective method for improving the delivery of healthcare to patients.


Clark, C., Olender, L., Cardoni, C., & Kenski, D. (2011). Fostering Civility in Nursing Education and Practice. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(7/8), 324-330. Doi: 10.1097/nna.0b013e31822509c4

Griffin, M., & Clark, C. (2014). Revisiting Cognitive Rehearsal as an Intervention against Incivility and Lateral Violence in Nursing: 10 Years Later. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(12), 535-542. Doi: 10.3928/00220124-20141122-02

Rukwaro, P. (2020). Workplace Environment Assessment. Retrieved from ent


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o Prepare:

Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).

Review and complete the Work Environment Assessment Template in the Resources.

Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory

Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory


Post a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment. Based on the results, how civil is your workplace? Explain why your workplace is or is not civil. Then, describe a situation where you have experienced incivility in the workplace. How was this addressed? Be specific and provide examples.