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Transformational Leadership and its Application

Transformational Leadership and its Application

As the name implies, transformational Leadership is a leadership style that seeks to change or improve the quality and attitude toward work. This type of Leadership frequently challenges the norm and constantly inspires and motivates leaders and followers to improve. Transformational Leadership focuses on influencing others (followers, subordinates, or employees) to create a better future by identifying needed change collectively, creating a visual guide, and implementing the change with committed members (Kerdngern & Thanitbenjasith, 2017). A transformational leader influences their members’ performance by emphasizing how communal goals far outweigh individual goals in organizational development (Asrar-ul-Haq & Anwar, 2018). One of the primary characteristics of transformational Leadership is motivating followers to do the necessary work to facilitate organizational development and change.

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The four cardinal characteristics of transformational Leadership are as follows: Transformational leaders are endowed with charisma. A charismatic person can influence others through confidence, attitude toward work, and motivational speaking. Transformational leaders can easily persuade their followers to take action based solely on their presence and demeanor. Second, transformational leaders are visionaries; they establish a clear vision that appeals to and inspires their followers. Third, they inspire their followers to be creative and committed to their goals. Creativity and commitment to set goals require extra effort in transformational Leadership to challenge the norm and create something spectacular. Finally, they pay close and rapt attention to their followers’ concerns and needs while working and creating. Paying close attention to the needs of followers necessitates understanding their pre-existing condition and regularly tracking their progress. Amazon’s CEO exemplifies transformational Leadership and has earned my admiration for how he organizes work around him.

The Effectiveness of Transformational Leadership in Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos is a transformational leader and a billionaire who has built his company (Amazon) to a net worth of more than $100 billion (Qadri, 2016). One of the reasons Bezos is referred to as a transformational leader is his innovative approach to getting things done at his company (Alqassimi & Upadhayay, 2019). Like many transformational leaders before him, Bezos takes a long-term approach to accomplishing his goals and objectives. His well-planned strategy keeps him focused during the implementation phase.

Another important characteristic distinguishing Bezos as a transformational leader is his ability to communicate complex plans to his employees and the general public simply (Alqassimi & Upadhayay, 2019). Bezos encourages his team to conduct thorough research before entering a new market. As a result, much research goes into developing new products that meet market demands. As part of his concern for his employees’ needs, Bezos has established an effective communication channel through which he and top management can hear the concerns of all disgruntled employees. He also promotes time efficiency, where less time can be used to accomplish more work (Alqassimi & Upadhayay, 2019). Although Bezos’ management style is time-consuming, transformational Leadership fosters organizational trust.

Transformational Leadership is an effective style of Leadership because it seeks to improve followers and leaders from within. It is effective not only because it motivates followers to be better but also because it guides them through self-development. Transformational Leadership is similar to a mentorship program in that employees or followers participate in the leadership process rather than simply following orders. As a result, followers of transformational Leadership eventually become leaders themselves. The transformational leadership style also encourages followers to think actively and to bring positive qualities to their work that make them appealing to others.

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Alqassimi O. & Upadhayay S. (2019). Understanding Leadership dynamics: A case study on Jeff Bezos and Jack Ma. Research gate. https://10.47670/wuwijar201821SUOA

Asrar-ul-Haq M. & Anwar S. (2018). The many faces of Leadership: Proposing research agenda through a literature review. ScienceDirect.

Kerdngern N. & Thanitbenjasith P. (2017). Influence of contemporary Leadership on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention: A case study of the construction industry in Thailand. International Journal of Engineering Business Management.

Qadri A. M. (2016). The concept of applied Leadership in the contemporary world. Journal of Education and Practice. 7:4


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What is Transformational Leadership?

Transformational Leadership and its Application

Transformational Leadership and its Application


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