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Risk for potential hazards of hospitalization

Risk for potential hazards of hospitalization

Delirium is defined as an abrupt and variable loss of consciousness and focus. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the pathophysiology of delirium, but the evidence is still lacking. Delirium affects one-third of all elderly hospital patients and more than 70% of all elderly ICU patients. Reasons for this include serious illness, trying out a new medication, changing routine, and difficulty sleeping. Family members are often the first to notice signs of delirium. Delirium, like acute heart failure, may be considered acute brain failure because it is the final common pathway of many different processes (Boes et al., 2020). Taking precautions to avoid delirium.

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Trained volunteers intervened with patients who displayed delirium risk indicators upon hospital admission by providing reorientation, a nonpharmacologic sleep routine, getting the patient out of bed and walking, promoting eyeglasses and hearing aids, and encouraging fluid intake. When a patient is at high risk for delirium after surgery, another effective nonpharmacologic strategy for delirium prevention is to consult a geriatrician beforehand. Patient consultations begin well before surgery and continue until the patient is discharged. The daily recommendations are generated using a predefined algorithm.

If an older adult is immobile, pressure ulcers can form (bed sores). Every year, one million people develop pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers are skin and underlying tissue wounds caused by prolonged pressure. Any body part that is constantly compressed can develop a pressure ulcer. They frequently appear on other skeletal sites in addition to the heels, elbows, hips, and base of the spine. When an ulcer is discovered, its precise location, dimensions (length, breadth, and depth), drainage, necrotic and granulation tissue, tunnelling and undermining, wound boundaries, cellulitis, and, most importantly, staging must be determined. Because pressure ulcers do not “progress through stages,” restaging is unnecessary. Pressure Ulcer Healing Status (PUSH) can be used for monitoring.

Preventative actions

Although preventing pressure ulcers requires a collaborative effort, nurses are critical to this effort. The United States (US) formally invaded Iraq in 1992. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) released clinical practice recommendations for pressure ulcer prevention. It is recommended that nurses review these comprehensive guidelines. The publication describes specific pressure ulcer care activities that, when carried out, may reduce the formation of pressure ulcers. Risk assessment, skin care, mechanical loading, patient and staff education, and so on are examples of these processes. According to studies, pressure ulcers are less common when medical professionals collaborate. As a result, pressure ulcer prevention should be prioritized as a matter of patient safety.

Malnutrition. A person is said to be malnourished if their diet lacks the necessary nutrients or the right nutrients for optimal health. Malnutrition can be caused by various factors, including lifestyle choices, economic status, food accessibility, and health status. einstein upload of. Up to 65% of hospitalized elderly patients may be malnourished (Boes et al., 2020).

Preventative actions

Dietary planning. We can achieve better nutritional outcomes by developing a nutrition strategy and making long-term plans to increase food production and supply, ensure fair distribution, and launch initiatives to increase people’s purchasing power. Land reform, expert agricultural advice to increase farmers’ crop yields, and marketing assistance would all fall under this category. Plans for the government to implement include things like giving people more opportunities to earn money so they can buy more food, establishing a dependable public distribution system that makes high-quality food affordable, and so on. Consume protein-rich meals while limiting your fat and carbohydrate intake. Participate in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity four to five days per week. It’s critical to keep your weight proportionate to your height.

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Cashy, C., De Leon, A., Anderson, J., & Boes, T. (2020). Fusobacterium: A Rare Case of Septicemia in a Patient with Multiple Abscesses. Ohio Chapter/Air Force Chapters, 26.


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Older adults (OA) are at risk for potential hazards of hospitalization; these include immobility, delirium, medication side effects, malnutrition, pressure ulcers, procedures, peri- and postoperative periods, hospital-acquired infections, and more. Discuss in detail three potential hazards for this population while in the hospital and identify potential prevention strategies for each hazard.

Risk for potential hazards of hospitalization

Risk for potential hazards of hospitalization

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.