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Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention- Faith-Based Nursing

Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention- Faith-Based Nursing

Healthy People 2030 identifies the areas that need to be prioritized to improve the nation’s health. It has well-defined objectives with set targets that will be used in monitoring the progress of the objectives set. Parish nursing combines both professional nursing and health ministry. It places a particular emphasis on health in a faith community. Faith-based nursing incorporates the philosophy of spirituality, professionalism, and oneness while considering the community’s cultural diversity (Solari-Twadell,  & Ziebarth, 2020). The goals of  Healthy People 2030 are attaining a healthy life, eliminating health disparities,  creating an environment that promotes healthy well-being, promoting healthy development, and engaging leadership and key players in developing policies that improve health (Mager & Moore, 2020). Do you need help with your assignment ? Contact us.

After a critical review of the objectives of Healthy People 2030  and analyzing parish nursing and faith communities, I am inclined to agree that all the objectives are amenable to parish nurse interventions. Parish nurses may, however, influence some objectives more than others. Faith communities have a significant role to play in accomplishing the objectives of Healthy People 2030. They can do so by working closely with people and families to coordinate programs that promote health (Solari-Twadell,  & Ziebarth, 2020). Parish nurses are better suited to tackle health issues concerning people of all ages.

Nurses can collaborate with faith-based communities by implementing programs that aim at disease prevention and healthy living promotion. This collaboration can lead to disease prevention and health promotion, which will be one step closer to achieving healthy people’s 2030 objectives.


Mager, N. D., & Moore, T. S. (2020). Healthy People 2030: Roadmap for Public Health for the Next Decade. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education84(11).

Solari-Twadell, P. A., & Ziebarth, D. J. (2020). The progression and ongoing development of a research agenda for faith community nursing. Journal of Christian Nursing37(3), 176-183.


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Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention- Faith-Based Nursing

Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention- Faith-Based Nursing

Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention- Faith-Based Nursing

Review Healthy People 2030. Identify objectives that are amenable to parish nurse intervention.

  • Describe how faith communities can contribute to the accomplishment of these national health objectives and accomplish the goal of improving the health of the public.
  • How can nurses working in the community form partnerships with parish nurses and faith communities?
  • How would such partnerships be beneficial?