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Similarities and Differences Research Process, Evidence-Based Practice, and Nursing Process

Similarities and Differences Research Process, Evidence-Based Practice, and Nursing Process


The research process, evidence-based practice process, and the nursing process are processes that entail a scientific approach to particular aspects. The techniques may work independently or correlate with each other in the scientific approach. The research process involves identifying, evaluating, and analysing the data needed to support a research question and provide recommendations. The evidence-based practice process locates and applies the research results to clinical practice. Nursing practice is the systematic procedures that guide the provision of care and safety to clients and patients. This paper outlines the similarities and differences between the research process, evidence-based practice, and nursing process.


Nursing process and research process are similar in data collection methods, the analysis or evaluation, and data or information. Both processes apply qualitative and quantitative methods of collecting data. In the nursing process, nurses interview their patients and do experiments in the test labs to collect data about their health conditions. Researchers interview people who are directly affected by the research problem to get information. Researchers also do experiments where they manipulate different variables and examine their effects on each other (Portney, 2020). Analysis of data in both processes involves a diagnosis of data. Nurses diagnose their patient’s information to relate it to the health problem. The researcher also diagnoses the patterns of the information obtained from experiments.

Evidence-based practice processes and the nursing process rely on evidence from research to make conclusions. Nurses use evidence to identify the harms and benefits of particular measures and decide the best step to take. The evidence-practice practice process entirely relies on research evidence to make conclusions. It puts together experience and experts’ views on a particular issue using the best evidence available.


The nursing process and research process are different in some ways. They differ in the process of implementation and purpose. Implementation in nursing involves action taken for nursing interventions that provide the well-being of the patients (Toney-Butler, & Thayer, 2019). Implementation in the research process entails developing effective and appropriate interventions to translate the results of the research into changes in the real world. Again, the research process aims to provide evidence for theories, trigger action, and the development of knowledge on the research question. On the other hand, the nursing process is patient-centred care and aims to achieve patients’ well-being.

Evidence based-practice processes and nursing differ in several ways according to the purpose and mode of performance. The evidence-based practice process involves integrating the clinical issue by asking questions relevant to the issue. It applies the values of the patients and the clinical expertise to advance the results (Portney, 2020). On the other hand, the nursing process is involved in integrating clinical issues directly by asking direct clinical questions, with the objective of improving patient outcomes. Again, the evidence-based practice process involves innovation to advance the research findings for better results. In contrast, the nursing process is not innovative and uses the available research findings to provide care.


The research process and evidence-based practice process have various similarities and differences in the nursing process. Despite the differences, the nursing process depends on the research process and the evidence-based practice process.


Portney, L. G. (2020). Foundations of clinical research: applications to evidence-based practice. FA Davis.

Toney-Butler, T. J., & Thayer, J. M. (2019). Nursing process. StatPearls.


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What are the similarities and differences between the research process, the Evidence-Based Practice process, and the nursing process?  Include a rationale to support your response.

Share an example from your nursing practice setting of how a decision was made to change a procedure or practice.

milarities and Differences Research Process, Evidence-Based Practice, and Nursing Process

similarities and Differences Research Process, Evidence-Based Practice, and Nursing Process

What steps were used in the decision-making process?

What evidence was considered for decision-making?

Throughout the decision-making process, what research did you reference and present in order to support the proposed change?

Was the change effective?  Provide rationale.

500 words, formatted, and cited in the current APA style with support from at least two academic sources