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Discussion – Independent Contractor

Discussion – Independent Contractor

The need to improve the healthcare delivery system and home-based care has made the Institute of Medicine design new employment practices for better and more effective healthcare services. Flexible working options, especially ones that allow voluntary choices of nursing activities, create greater job satisfaction. When nurses can organize their daily programs with an understanding of their patient’s needs, it is easy to attend to them effectively (Joel, 2013). Therefore, working in an environment where one can schedule components to the desired health environment enables customizing work with critical individual programs. Similarly, working hours are also vital for determining where to work; a study shows that working for long hours, especially in a field that requires high mental concentration, results in adverse emotional and physical strain on an individual. Negative patient outcomes, such as mortality, infections, and falls, result from long working hours. Providing short working hours, which are rotational, is critical in choosing employment.

An APN nurse has the right to negotiate the amount of payment they will receive for every working hour and for every patient they attend according to the contract. Besides, they can negotiate on the workload and working hours, which practices carry out inpatient or home-based care, and worker benefits, such as insurance and education continuations. On the other hand, factors affecting the quality of care services to patients and healthcare services are non-negotiable (Joel, 2013). The habitual display of discrimination and segregation in a healthcare setting is forbidden.

Formal employment among APN workers is a form of job security because workers are bound by law and legal agreements to work until their contract ends. This means that workers will continue to experience all the benefits of working in the organization until their contract or agreement is terminated (Tyler et al., 2020). Besides, working as a formal employee, especially in the health sector as a nurse, there is a clear definition of working hours, such as hours required in a day and a week; thus, one can fix and arrange their activities effectively


Joel, L. A. (2013). Advanced Practice Nursing: Essentials for Role Development. In The Nurse Practitioner (Vol. 29, Issue 2).

Tyler, L. A., Weiss, L. A., Tyler, L. A., & Weiss, L. A. (2020). Pittsburg State University Digital Commons Salary, Benefits Packages, and Negotiation Skills for Nurse Practitioners A Scholarly project submitted to the Graduate School for the Degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice.


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Independent Contractor

Many APNs become independent contractors for health care groups that provide services to patients. Discuss the elements that are important to you when seeking a place of employment. What is negotiable and what is non-negotiable? Discuss the two benefits of formal employment as an APN.

Independent Contractor

Independent Contractor