Optimizing Fitness- The Impact of Nutrition on Exercise Performance and Recovery
Exercise And Nutrition
When it comes to fitness and exercise, nutrition is crucial. Nutrition helps the body by delivering a suitable amount of energy needed when engaging in physical activities. Pre-exercise and post-exercise nutrition is crucial to guarantee the body maintains its health, depending on the quantity of energy used during exercise and the amount of energy to be restored by the body after exercise. Water is the most prevalent and greatest example of vital nutrients for the body (McGlory et al., 2019). Dehydration should be avoided at all costs, which is why it is important to hydrate before, during, and after exercising. Dehydration can cause poor energy levels and muscle cramps during exercise (Christopher R. Mohr, 2019).
Consuming carbs before exercise can be quite beneficial, especially when the body requires immediate energy. The body can produce glucose from carbs, which enter the muscle cell fast and provides the necessary energy. Furthermore, the body will have some glucose reserve from carbohydrates that it can utilize if necessary (Christopher R. Mohr, 2019). Individuals who do not have enough glucose in their bodies feel weak and fatigued. Carbohydrate-rich meals such as peanuts, crackers, oatmeal, fruits, and granola bars can be consumed 30 minutes before engaging in exercise activities to provide the body with the necessary level of glucose to produce energy and prevent the body from crashing during activity (Whitney, 2018).
Following exercise, it is necessary to replenish the electrolytes, proteins, calories, and nutrition that were utilized during the exercise. Complex carbs should be consumed soon following exercise because they degrade more slowly than proteins. To improve muscle recovery. Furthermore, electrolyte-rich foods are essential to restore the body’s reserves, as many of them are lost when the body sweats (Brian St. Pierre, 2016). Quinoa, almonds, whole wheat bread, and brown rice are examples of complex carbohydrate foods that replenish glycogen depleted during exercise. They assist the body in avoiding weariness and preventing low blood sugar from affecting the body (Brian St. Pierre, 2016). Oatmeal, grilled chicken, eggs, and salmon are all good sources of protein. Because muscles are injured when exercising, these meals help the body rebuild them (Brian St. Pierre, 2016). Sweating during exercise causes electrolyte loss, which leads to dehydration and spasms. Magnesium, calcium, and potassium are electrolyte sources in the body (Whitney, 2018). Water, sweet potatoes, bananas, oranges, apples, and celery are good sources of electrolytes.
A typical person needs 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day to function healthily; however, an individual who engages in physical exercise may need an additional 500 to 1000 calories (Brian Krans, 2016). A diet is anticipated to be planned and implemented for a physically active lifestyle, such as an athlete’s lifestyle, to support the body by supplying enough essential energy, water, and nutrients (Whitney, 2018). Understanding the body’s requirements in terms of necessary nutrition, energy, and performance is critical to establishing an effective dietary strategy (Whitney, 2018).
Food consumed prior to participating in activities should be easily digestible and give the body adequate fluids. According to McGlory et al., these items should be carbohydrates with a caloric value ranging from 300 to 800kcalories (2019). Food should also be ingested a few minutes before exercise to ensure that it is well used and serves its purpose. It is not recommended to have meals and immediately begin exercising because this causes the body to get restless because the essential energy is not quickly generated for utilization. Food ingested during exercise should replenish lost energy, vitamins, and water. Carbohydrate-rich foods should be combined with a protein supply to ensure muscle growth and repair (Whitney, 2018).
When exercising, it is vital to focus on the nutritional worth of food and the body, in general, to guarantee that a balance is archived by eating well and enhancing physical performance. A healthy lifestyle is defined by what a person eats and their physical activities. To be referred to as living a healthy lifestyle, a balance of both is essential. However, focusing solely on one concept is regarded as an unhealthy lifestyle that cannot be sustained for long as the body begins to crash.
Brian Krans, N. B. (2016, February 12). Balanced Diet. Retrieved from Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/health/balanced-diet
Brian St. Pierre, M. R. (2016, May 8). Workout nutrition explained. Retrieved from precisionnutrition.com: https://www.precisionnutrition.com/workout-nutrition-explained Christopher R. Mohr, P. R. (2019, September 10). Timing Your Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition. Retrieved from eatright.org. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: https://www.eatright.org/fitness/exercise/exercise-nutrition/timing-your-pre-and-post workout-nutrition
McGlory, C., van Vliet, S., Stokes, T., Mittendorfer, B., & Phillips, S. M. (2019). The impact of exercise and nutrition on the regulation of skeletal muscle mass. The Journal of Physiology, 597(5), 1251–1258.
Whitney, E. N. (2019). Understanding Nutrition 15th Edition. Boston: Cengage Learning, Inc.
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Nutrition plays an essential role in supporting fitness and exercise. If you increase your level of physical activity, your need for nutrients and calories will also increase. In addition, the foods you eat before and after you exercise will have an impact on your performance during the physical activity and on your recovery afterward.
A 2-3 page in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:
- Describe the importance of pre- and post-exercise nutrition choices. Provide examples of foods that are appropriate selections for each category.
- Explain how foods and nutrients (including fluids and electrolytes) help improve a person’s performance during physical activity and their recovery afterward.
- Consider your responses to items 1 and 2 above, and suggest an appropriate nutritional plan for a physically active person. Be sure to explain what the person should consume in an average day to support their caloric and nutritional needs.
- Cite at least 2 credible references and present the resources in APA format on the References page.