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Personal Selling in The Brazil Market

Personal Selling in The Brazil Market

Modifying the Personal Selling Approach Based on the Brazilian Target Market

The success of personal selling lies in the ability to create a strong relationship with customers and maintain their engagement to determine their needs and meet sales targets (Deeter-Schmelz, 2012). The Brazilian target market is overly dependent on locally produced products, hence the need to modify personal selling to enable customers to access all the information they may require. Personal selling also needs to be more transparent and focus on meeting objections and approaching customers rather than closing a sale. Salespersons need to anticipate changes in consumer behavior and any information that customers may access through research because Brazilians tend to look for deals and conduct research on a product before they purchase it. They also focus on product quality and price, hence the need for a salesperson to emphasize price and quality and communicate the value the household items provide to customers. Personal selling would also be modified to create more contact with customers on online platforms. According to Riscarolli et al. (2018), online customer engagement is highly useful in maintaining contact with Brazilian customers since customers expect a rapid response when they contact a company or a brand. Brazil also has the most developed and largest e-commerce market in Latin America hence the need to embrace online personal selling.

Ethical and Regulatory Issues That Should Be Considered When Marketing In Brazil

The main ethical and regulatory issues that should be considered when marketing in Brazil are the use of formal networks of favors and relationships in the business and social environment, thus hindering the development of a more ethical and professional culture for public and private organizations (Tigre, 2006). Brazil also has strict laws, regulations, rules, and policies that are implemented to reduce or minimize the level of uncertainty. Low individualism levels in the country also make people in the Brazilian market protect their groups, thus purchasing from local companies and brands hence the need to create a strong relationship built on trust to attract customers.


Deeter-Schmelz, D. R. (2012). Personal selling and sales management abstracts. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 32(2), 275-286.

Riscarolli, V., Zucco, F. D., Falaster, C., & Rodrigues, L. C. (2018). Innovations in communication and advertising: A perspective from small firms in southern Brazil. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 12(4), 325.

Tigre, P. B. (2006). Brazil: E-commerce shaped by local forces. Global e-Commerce, 278-305.


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Personal Selling in Brazil Market

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Assessment Description
The purpose of this assignment is to identify factors that must be considered when conducting global marketing campaigns.

For this assignment, imagine you work for a U.S.-based organization that sells household appliances and is considering opening stores internationally, starting with Brazil. You have been tasked with providing your recommendations in preparation for the expansion into Brazil. In 275 words, address the following:

1. Discuss how you would modify the personal selling approach based on the Brazilian target market. Provide an example of the specific changes you would make and justify the changes.
2. Identify ethical and regulatory issues that should be considered when marketing in Brazil.

Identify cultural and social considerations you should take into account as part of your marketing planning efforts. Explain how these factors make the marketing presented to the Brazilian audience different from what is presented to U.S. consumers.