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Exploring Avatars Christian Worldview – Analyzing Theism and Character Perspectives

Exploring Avatars Christian Worldview – Analyzing Theism and Character Perspectives

Christian Worldview is depicted in the movie ‘Avatar.’

Avatar is one of the movies depicting a specific Christian worldview. The worldview depicted in the movie is pantheism. This is evident when Neytiri describes Eywa to Jake by stating, “She is a network of energy that flows through all living things.” This demonstrates the belief that God is in everything and everything is part of God which, according to Gupwell (2021), is a common belief for Pantheists. The belief is further depicted when Neytiri states, “She said all energy is only borrowed, and one day you have to give it back.” This further shows God’s nature of being in everything and everything being part of Him. The Na’Vi race in the film is also spiritually connected to their entire world, and the plants and animals around them and their homes are described as homogenous trees. They also have a connection with nature, and this connection is maintained by saying a prayer of gratitude and, in some instances crying when they kill animals for food. They form a connection with the animals by listening to their heartbeat, making eye contact, and communicating with the minds of the animals to do what the animal needs them to do.

Characters that held a Christian Worldview

The characters that hold the pantheism worldview are Jake and Neytiri. When Jake joins the Neytiri tribe, he is expected to learn the tribe’s way of life through Nectary’s mother, Mo’. He receives advice that “It is hard to fill a cup that is already full,” but he disagrees with this statement and responds by stating, “My cup is empty.” His response prompts Nectary’s mother to further elaborate the beliefs of the Neytiri tribe to him and states that “our great mother does not take sides, Jake, she protects only the balance of life.” This statement prompts Jake to consider and embrace the culture of the tribe and abandon the atheist beliefs which he initially held.


Gupwell, T. (2021). Pluralists and pantheists: Spinoza, Deleuze, and the non-fiction of D.H. Lawrence. Études britanniques contemporaines, (60).


We’ll write everything from scratch


After viewing one of the films listed in the “Topic 1 Discussion Question Film Resource” from the topic materials, answer the following two questions. Before you post, change the title to include the title of the movie you are discussing.

Exploring Avatars Christian Worldview - Analyzing Theism and Character Perspectives

Exploring Avatars Christian Worldview – Analyzing Theism and Character Perspectives

What is one worldview depicted in the movie?
Which characters held that worldview (e.g., pantheism, theism, atheism)?
Provide at least two quotes or scene descriptions from the movie to defend your point.
Hi, Class. Here are some movie options if you want to do some others and may not have access to any of the movie options.


The Book of Eli

It’s a Wonderful Life


Star Wars (any)

Star Trek (any)

I Can Only Imagine

Dr. Strange

Chronicles of Narnia (any)

Here are some suggestions for accessing these:

1) Amazon Prime has the classic It’s a Wonderful Life (B&W or Color), I Can Only Imagine, and several Star Trek movies for free. All the others are available for rent.

2) I’ve heard that Avatar and all Star Wars movies are on Disney+

3) Visit your local public library.

4) I will also allow you to use A Christmas Carol as an alternate. Here is the Charles Dickens classic 1984 version (a must-see) on YouTube: (skip ahead to 3:30):