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The Future of Health and its Impact on Aging

The Future of Health and its Impact on Aging

While the last century has been characterized by an increase in longevity, the years gained were unfortunately not added to the end of life. The future is focused more on maintaining well-being and health (and this is supported by data on lifestyle and health), which further extends the time added to longevity. By the year 2040, the health model will feature the consumer at the center. In some cases, the onset of disease may be delayed or altogether eliminated. Diabetes and cancer could very well join the list of ‘conquered’ diseases. The success of healthcare in treating disease has been such that there are more people who live with chronic diseases today compared to the previous centuries (Raghupathi & Raghupathi, 2018). In other words, efforts to increase longevity have resulted in more people living with managed chronic diseases.

In the future, how people age may differ greatly from the current situation. Questions such as what will be treated by healthcare in the future, how people will pay for their later years after retiring, and what types of communities and homes they will people live in will shape the future of aging. There have been many unforeseen changes in society following the fact that people live longer with chronic diseases. Although people are living longer and diseases that were once incurable can be treated at a younger age, there are still many areas that need to catch up. People still retire at 65 as per their previous generations; communities are ill-equipped for people to age well, and homes are ill-equipped for access. As consumers demand change regarding most assumptions made on aging and as life sciences and healthcare companies shift their focus to supporting health and preventing diseases, new trends are set to emerge. These new trends will affect how people age in the future. My Pecha Kucha Presentation will thus discuss the future of aging.

Works Cited

Raghupathi, Wullianallur, and Viju Raghupathi. “An empirical study of chronic diseases in the United States: a visual analytics approach to public health.” International journal of environmental research and public health 15.3 (2018): 431.


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Pecha Kucha Topic Proposal Assignment

Please select a topic from one of the following broad topics:

The Future of Health and its Impact on Aging

The Future of Health and its Impact on Aging







Next, filter down your topic to manageable levels (remember, you only have 20 slides and 6 minutes and 40 seconds to present this topic)

Talk about your topic concerning the future.

Here are some ideas to consider:

Your personal retirement strategy

Impact of the changing demographics in America

Significance of Population Pyramids (give some examples of extremes)

Stages of life in the future

Coping strategies with losses in later life

Costs to society as a result of ageism

What changes do you see coming?

Post your topic proposal in the Dropbox by the due date.