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Reflection in Action- Ethics and Legal Responsibility

Reflection in Action- Ethics and Legal Responsibility

Part 1: Course/Program Reflection

Concepts of ethics and legal responsibilities connected to this program

The concepts of ethics and responsibilities connect to what I have learned in courses in this program in different ways. For instance, I have an ethical and legal responsibility to protect the interests of learners and uphold morality when interacting with them because they are children looking up to me to set a good example. Secondly, parents put educators in charge of taking care of their children and protecting them from harm. Consequently, I have obtained ethical and legal responsibilities to offer the best care to learners and eliminate internal and external threats that may interfere with their safety and development. I also have an ethical and legal responsibility to involve parents in making decisions that affect their children and share any concerns I may have about a student. Educators have a better chance of noticing changes in a learner’s behavior because they spend most of the time with them. Thus, this makes them responsible for informing parents of any changes, especially those that could interfere with a child’s development, such as isolating themselves from others or expressing high levels of aggression.

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Part 2: Career/Personal Reflection

Advocating for the needs of exceptional learners

My view of how I will advocate for the needs of exceptional learners has significantly changed based on the content acquired in this course. I have gained more motivation to advocate for exceptional learners because I now view them as a vulnerable group of learners relying on advocates to ensure that their learning needs are met and that they are not discriminated against. I have also developed a perspective that exceptional learners face various challenges while fitting in in the learning environment because most educators fail to acknowledge the fact that exceptional learners have unique learning needs that cannot be met in a regular learning environment. It is, therefore, the duty of an advocate to ensure that the learning environment sets aside a section that is customized to meet the needs of exceptional learners to ensure that they do not feel left out or lag in education.

Application of NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct

I will use the information in this class to ensure that I am upholding NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct throughout my future career by following the guidelines on relating with children to ensure that I do not harm them either directly or indirectly. I will also use the information to identify the vulnerability of children and their reliance on adults, hence maintaining collaboration with guardians and parents when making decisions on a child’s education needs. I will also use the information to establish frameworks that can be used to ensure that families provide a smooth and safe transition as both families and children move from one program to another.

Impact of information learned on resume

The information I learned in this course will make me a suitable educator for children, enabling me to build my resume by portraying me as an ideal candidate for teaching jobs in the early childhood development career path. The information will also enable me to respond to questions I may be asked during an interview when applying for a teaching job. The information will also boost my competencies and skills, thus catching the attention of potential employers who look at skills and competencies when selecting candidates and employees. It is important for potential employers to understand that I am capable of completing various roles and responsibilities as an educator in early childhood development.

Woven into your program are several themes and topics meant to enhance your learning experience and support your development as a professional who is capable of acting as a leader, thinker, visionary, and advocate.


We’ll write everything from scratch


In each course, there will be one reflection-in-action journal assignment that is designed to provide opportunities for you to reflect upon and assess your professional knowledge and skills. It is appropriate to write your journal entries in the first person. Refer to the Differences Between First and Third Person (Links to an external site.) guide created by the writing center.

Reflection in Action- Ethics and Legal Responsibility

Reflection in Action- Ethics and Legal Responsibility

The journal prompts will have two parts. You will reflect upon and discuss each of the reflective questions in Part 1 and Part 2, outlined below.

The following content areas are required for this assignment:

Part 1: Course/Program Reflection

How do the concepts of ethics and legal responsibilities connect to what you have learned in other courses in this program?
Part 2: Career/Personal Reflection

How has your view of how you will advocate for the needs of exceptional learners changed based on the content acquired in this course?
In what way will you use the information in this class to ensure that you are upholding NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct throughout your future career?
How will the information you have learned in this course help you to begin to build your resume?
Journal Options:

Written reflection journal
Create a Voki (Links to an external site.).
If you need help creating your Voki, use the Voki Classroom: Getting Started Guide (Links to an external site.).
Suggested Journal Length:

One to two double-spaced pages (not including title and reference pages).
Integrative and Critical Thinking Expectations (demonstrated within the content of the journal):

Connections to Experience: Meaningfully synthesizes connections among experiences both within and outside of coursework to deepen understanding of fields of study and to broaden own points of view.
Reflection and Self-Assessment: Envisions a future self (and possibly makes plans that build on past experiences) that have occurred across multiple and diverse contexts.
Research and Resource Expectations:

Sources are not required for your journal assignments. However, if you need to cite information, you must cite in APA format and include a reference page. For further assistance, refer to the In-Text Citation Helper (Links to an external site.) and the APA References List (Links to an external site.) created by the Writing Center.
Writing and Formatting Expectations:

Professional Reflective Voice: Journals may be written in a less formal but still professional voice (avoids casual language). Refer to the Differences Between First and Third Person (Links to an external site.) guide created by the writing center.
Organization: Demonstrates logical progression of ideas.
Syntax and Mechanics: Writing displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
APA Formatting: Papers are formatted properly, and all sources (if used) are cited (Links to an external site.) and referenced (Links to an external site.) in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).