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Using PBIS to Encourage Racial Equity in School

Using PBIS to Encourage Racial Equity in School

The U.S. education system can only be considered adequate if policies are formulated to protect students from varied groups. Data has shown that misappropriation in the education system targets students from marginalized communities (McIntosh et al., 2018). Schools that have implemented the PBIS system are more likely to accommodate the needs of all learners, significantly increasing racial equity in school discipline. This discussion aims to analyze the video, ‘Using PBIS to Ensure Racial Equity in School Discipline.’ 

What did You Find Worrisome about the Information Presented

What I found worrying about the Information presented in the video is the suspension risk index data shown. For example, the suspension rates of Black children living with disabilities go up every year. On the contrary, the suspension risk amongst their White counterparts stands at almost 0%. Additionally, although recent data shows that most schools in America have implemented the PBIS system, out of the total schools in the U.S., n=95 507, those that have implemented PBIS are only n=2,357 (Center on PBIS, 2021). This is terrifying because despite the U.S.A. considering itself a diverse society, inequalities in schools still exist, especially targeting minority students.

What I Found Surprising about the Information Provided

PBIS not only helps shape behavior but also fosters equity in schools. The Information I found surprising from the video is that, although PBIS was mainly formulated as a behavior framework, it could also be included in academic instruction policy formulation to neutralize implicit bias. Additionally, it is surprising that although PBIS has helped foster equality in schools, making the situation a little better, the rate of discrimination targeting minority students in the U.S. is still high (Center on PBIS, 2021). Also, it is surprising that, although students with disabilities deserve protection, they are at more risk of discrimination.


Center on PBIS. (2021, July 2). Using PBIS to Ensure Racial Equity in School Discipline. [Video]. YouTube.

McIntosh, K., Ellwood, K., McCall, L., & Girvan, E. J. (2018). Using discipline data to enhance equity in school discipline. Intervention in school and clinic53(3), 146-152.


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Using PBIS to Encourage Racial Equity in School

Using PBIS to Encourage Racial Equity in School

Reflecting on the video Using PBIS to Ensure Racial Equity in School Discipline, answer the following TWO questions. Responses can be short, one or two paragraphs for each question, as long as they answer the questions provided in a clear and concise manner.
1. What did you find worrisome about the information presented?
2. What did you find surprising about the information presented?
