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Unmasking Microaggressions- A Case Study in Communication Climate

Unmasking Microaggressions- A Case Study in Communication Climate

Microaggressions are subtle, often unintentional, but sometimes intentional, behaviors or comments that convey discriminatory or negative messages toward individuals based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other aspects of their identity. These actions can be verbal, behavioral, or environmental and can be delivered consciously or unconsciously. They might include comments, jokes, or behaviors that undermine or stereotype individuals, making them feel marginalized or invalidated (Ajayi, 2018). While they might not be intended as overtly hostile, their cumulative effect can be damaging, creating a hostile environment for those on the receiving end. Recognizing and addressing these microaggressions is crucial in fostering more inclusive and respectful interactions. Unfortunately, I have had an experience where I witnessed an interaction that involved microaggression.

I remember we were all hanging out in a park with my friends, and this guy who was alone approached us in an effort to make conversation. The relationship was in the initiation stages (Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies 2016), so we happily introduced ourselves to him as he introduced himself. However, something odd happened when my friend, Ghalen, who is of African ethnicity, introduced himself to him, and the guy proceeded to make an exaggerated mispronunciation of the name. However, Jake mentioned Kate’s name, and one of my friends who had already introduced herself to him was named Ratajkowski, with much more grace than when he said Ghalen’s, which added to the oddity of the deed.

This was my first experience of microaggression, but Ghalen did not seem bothered at all, as he later explained that he was used to it. After seeing the microaggression, Anna, one of my friends, quickly pointed it out, asking why he had pronounced out Ghalen’s with a clear distaste. John quickly defended himself, saying that he had never heard the name before and that it was difficult, but the truth is pronouncing the name Ghalen was not hard at all. Soon, the whole situation got out of hand as John became angry and aggressively defensive. In turn, we all called him out for his behavior, which created a whole scene in the park. After this, John gave up and uttered some sort of apology before walking away, bringing the newly initiated relationship to a quick termination stage.

Looking back, some changes to the communication could have improved this interaction. Individualistic cultures encourage the expression of emotions, and it is regarded as a personal right (Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies 2016). However, I believe that we could have controlled ourselves in this situation to prevent the situation from escalating and ending up being a bad experience. I believe that we had no emotional intelligence back then, which would have helped us control our thoughts and actions, leading to a better ending to this interaction. Even though John was unknowingly or knowingly racist against my friend, we could have controlled our emotions and told him off calmly and maybe helped him see that he was wrong. In addition, if John had been more open to hearing us out instead of going on the defensive immediately, the interaction would also have ended well.

Some tips that could help avoid such scenarios in the future include education and awareness, whereby people educate themselves about different cultures, identities, and backgrounds. Understanding these differences can prevent unintentional offensive remarks or behaviors. Furthermore, reflecting on our biases and assumptions would also help avoid such scenarios, as self-awareness helps in identifying and correcting potential microaggressions. Thirdly, active listening and paying attention to how others feel and respond would also be helpful, as well as being open to feedback and willing to learn from one’s mistakes. The fourth tip is being culturally sensitive by being mindful of cultural differences and showing respect for diverse customs and practices. Lastly, encouraging open communication by fostering an environment where people feel comfortable expressing concerns about microaggressions and encouraging open discussions and learning would also be helpful.


Ajayi, L. (2018). Microaggressions: Why we need to call out casual racism. Retrieved from:

Communication in the real world: An introduction to communication studies. (2016). . University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.


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Analyze your own experiences or those you have observed with microaggressions. Choose one to write about in your Assignment.

Write a 1- to 2-page paper that answers the following:

Describe the communication climate between the two people at the time of the interaction. What are some factors that were present?

Unmasking Microaggressions- A Case Study in Communication Climate

Unmasking Microaggressions- A Case Study in Communication Climate

Describe the specific interaction, including who the participants were, what was said or expressed, where it took place when it occurred, and, in your estimation, why it happened and how it was resolved.
What changes to the communication could have improved the interaction, and why?
What are some tips you would give to help avoid these types of scenarios in the future?