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Exploring Multicultural Dynamics- A Comprehensive Review and Analysis of Theoretical Models Communication Patterns Assimilation Processes Identity Development and Health Issues

Exploring Multicultural Dynamics- A Comprehensive Review and Analysis of Theoretical Models Communication Patterns Assimilation Processes Identity Development and Health Issues

The dawn of the technological age has drastically altered global connectedness and engagements. With globalization, the movement of people and goods from one point of the globe to another has been made easy. A highlight of human connectedness has been evident in cultural amalgamation and consequent integration. The healthcare sector has not been left behind. The modern healthcare sector is slowly witnessing significant diversification, with persons from varied cultures and backgrounds being drawn towards patient care. While this has had positive impacts, it has unearthed disproportionalities and disparities in healthcare and healthcare-seeking behavior across populations. This paper details the impact of globalization on healthcare communication and global mental healthcare.

Literature Review

Varied Communication Patterns by Group and Geography

Multicultural contexts often present considerable communication challenges. These challenges border diversity in cultures and, consequently, language patterns. Aririguzoh (2022) notes that as people of diverse origins congregate in host nations, communication becomes a challenge due to language barriers and differences in communication practices and normative social beliefs of these diverse groups. Language barriers, for instance, remain an impediment to human integration that proceeds global movements of people. Language barriers negatively affect service delivery to these individuals and delay their conformance to the social norms in the host countries. Cultural differences have also been another source of communication difficulties. This is especially seen among the immigrant populations. With a congregation of multiple cultures in a host country, the apparent differences in cultural practices of each group tend to affect their behavior, communication patterns, and overall conformance to the social norms of the host country. Notwithstanding, addressing these barriers is the only guarantee of cultural integration and the harmonious existence of these diverse cultures.

The healthcare sector has also been affected by the communication challenges posed by the movement of people across the globe. The apparent diversification attributable to the cross-border movement of people and the subsequent congregation of cultures sometimes affects healthcare communications. This is especially true when the caregivers have little knowledge of the communication patterns of these individuals and their cultural beliefs (Aririguzoh, 2022). This highlights the need for caregivers to develop cultural competence and awareness that will help them handle cross-cultural patients.

Medical and Mental Health Issues in Multicultural Populations

The apparent population diversification that proceeds the movement of people across geographical locations has also unearthed several issues in global mental healthcare and healthcare in its entirety. Different cultures have different belief systems around Westernized medicine and modern healthcare. These differences in perception of various mental health illnesses considerably affect the healthcare-seeking behavior and adoption of healthcare resources for these groups (Jimenez et al., 2022). This contributes to the disparities seen in ethnic minority groups. Addressing these perceptual differences may contribute to healthcare quality improvement measures for these groups.

Discussion and Conclusions

Easy movement of people across the globe continues to enhance several aspects of global trade and interconnectedness. However, it has resulted in unprecedented communication challenges and has unearthed several issues in contemporary healthcare. Communication challenges that proceed are impediments to social integration, healthcare communications, and easy service delivery to these groups. This necessitates the need for communication and cultural competencies in contemporary care. In modern healthcare, differences in perception of mental health illnesses continue to jeopardize efforts to enhance the overall health of ethnic minority communities. Addressing the identified issues may help in improving the overall quality of health for these communities.


Aririguzoh, S. (2022). Communication competencies, culture, and SDGs: Effective processes to cross-cultural communication. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications9(1).

Jimenez, D. E., Park, M., Rosen, D., Joo, J. hui, Garza, D. M., Weinstein, E. R., Conner, K., Silva, C., & Okereke, O. (2022). Centering culture in mental health: Differences in diagnosis, treatment, and access to care among older people of color. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry30(11), 1234–1251.


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Final Research Paper

For week 3, you conducted an annotated bibliography on a set of topics. For this assignment, you use that information as a literature review. You will then develop a paper based on the information you collected as well as what you learned from your course and text readings. To supplement your literature review for this paper, find 2 more scholarly journal articles related to any of the topics below (see article criteria from Week 3 Assignment 2). Here is the list of topic areas that were used.

Exploring Multicultural Dynamics- A Comprehensive Review and Analysis of Theoretical Models Communication Patterns Assimilation Processes Identity Development and Health Issues

Exploring Multicultural Dynamics- A Comprehensive Review and Analysis of Theoretical Models Communication Patterns Assimilation Processes Identity Development and Health Issues

Theoretical models associated with multicultural populations.
Present taxonomy used in the field of multiculturalism.
Varied communication patterns by group and geography.
Impact of migration on the ability of diverse groups to assimilate to cultural norms.
Historical and current trends that differentially impact the adjustment of groups.
Integral features of identity development according to group status.
Medical and mental health issues in multicultural populations.
For the main sections it should have a:
Title page
Literature review
Reference page(s)
The paper must use proper APA style for citing sources and references.
Introduction: The introduction provides a brief overview of what will be covered and the purpose of the paper.
Literature review: The literature review is taken in part from what you had written in Week 3.
Discussion and conclusions: The difference between a great paper and a marginal one is the depth and originality of the discussion and conclusion section. This is where you bring together what you learned from the literature review (as well as through the course) in your concluding remarks regarding your topic.