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Supervision of Instruction – Student Interview Journal

Supervision of Instruction – Student Interview Journal

What is your favorite subject and why?

My favorite subject is Y because it has always fascinated me with its depth and relevance to the world around us. Y is not just a collection of facts and figures; it’s a subject that encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of our environment. What I appreciate most about Y is how it provides insights into various aspects of life and allows me to connect theoretical knowledge to practical applications. It has the power to explain the natural phenomena we encounter daily, which is not only intellectually stimulating but also enriching. Subject Y, for me, is a journey of exploration and discovery, offering a continuous source of inspiration and learning.

What does your teacher do/ or teach you to improve your learning in this subject/content area?

My teacher employs a multifaceted approach to enhance my learning in subject Y. Through the use of hands-on activities and real-world examples, complex concepts become more tangible and relatable, thus facilitating a deeper understanding of the subject’s practical relevance. Furthermore, my teacher cultivates an interactive classroom environment where questions and discussions are actively encouraged, therefore promoting student engagement and in-depth exploration of the subject matter. To ensure consistent progress, regular assessments and constructive feedback mechanisms are integrated into the learning process. Additionally, my teacher’s availability for one-on-one assistance outside regular class hours is invaluable for addressing individual concerns and providing extra support. Altogether, these strategies contribute to an enriched and effective learning experience in subject Y.

What is your least favorite subject and why? What are you struggling to understand?

My least favorite subject is X, and my struggle with it is deeply rooted in a lack of cultural responsiveness and equity in the way it’s taught. Subject X fails to acknowledge the diverse backgrounds and experiences of students like me. The curriculum does not seem to incorporate content that resonates with various cultural perspectives and identities. As a result, I feel disconnected from the subject matter, and it doesn’t reflect my own cultural background or experiences. Further, the absence of cultural relevance in subject X makes it challenging to engage with the content and find any real-world connections. Moreover, the absence of effective teaching styles and classroom management in subject X exacerbates my disinterest and learning challenges. Inadequate teaching methods and classroom management hinder the overall learning experience by failing to create an environment conducive to active engagement. This deficiency not only affects my ability to comprehend the subject but also diminishes my motivation and interest in the topic.

What does your teacher do/or teach you to improve your learning in this subject/content area?

In subject X, my teacher employs a range of strategies that are designed to enhance my learning experience and promote my academic success. They start by recognizing the individuality of each student, thereby offering differentiated instruction that caters to various learning styles and abilities. By setting clear learning objectives, they provide us with a roadmap for our academic journey, thus making it easier to stay focused and understand the key concepts. Moreover, they bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world by demonstrating practical applications of the subject matter, thus instilling its relevance in our lives. Regular and constructive feedback mechanisms are in place, allowing students to grasp their strengths and areas of improvement, while a diverse array of assessment methods ensures a comprehensive evaluation of our understanding. What’s truly commendable is that my teachers remain open to refining their teaching methods based on our feedback and performance data, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement in the pursuit of academic success and well-being for all students.

What are some things/strategies that the teacher could do/or teach to help improve your learning?

Firstly, creating a supportive classroom environment where students feel safe, respected, and valued is paramount. Open and respectful communication should be encouraged, and any incidents of discrimination or bullying should be addressed promptly. Additionally, fostering collaboration among peers through group projects and study groups can not only enhance academic learning but also build a sense of community.

Secondly, the teacher should develop individualized support plans for students like me who may require additional assistance because this can ensure that no one is left behind. Implementing mentorship programs where students who are quick in grasping content can offer guidance and support to their peers and create a sense of belonging and assistance for those in need like me.

Finally, the teacher should adapt teaching strategies to accommodate different learning styles, and paces is crucial for creating a responsive learning environment. As noted by Bondie et al. (2019), tailoring instruction to meet individual needs ensures that every student has the opportunity to succeed. By implementing these strategies, the teacher can help cultivate a more inclusive, caring, and supportive school community that not only enhances academic success but also promotes the overall well-being of each and every student.

As an educational leader, what reflections do you have about the interview with this student? What have you learned? What can you do to strengthen this teacher’s (least favorite) practice?

Reflecting on the interview with the student, it becomes evident that as an educational leader, strong lines of communication between students and teachers are vital. The feedback underscores the need for differentiated instruction and culturally responsive teaching methods to address the diverse needs of students. Additionally, creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment with elements such as peer collaboration, mental health support, and individualized assistance is essential for student well-being and a conducive learning atmosphere. This insight highlights the importance of ongoing professional development and support for teachers in these areas to promote academic success and well-being.

As an educational leader, my role in strengthening the teacher’s practice in the subject that the student finds least favorite is pivotal. I can initiate targeted professional development opportunities for the teacher, focusing on differentiated instruction and culturally responsive teaching methods. This includes organizing workshops, and seminars, or providing access to relevant training resources. I can also implement a system for regular classroom observations and feedback sessions, thus ensuring that the teacher receives constructive input and support for self-assessment and improvement. In addition, I can facilitate access to teaching materials and resources that align with these teaching strategies. Encouraging collaboration among peers and assigning a mentor to the teacher can create a supportive network and provide guidance on implementing new teaching approaches effectively. Furthermore, I can promote a culture of listening to students’ feedback, which involves open conversations to understand their unique needs and incorporate their input into teaching practices. Lastly, as an educational leader, I will continually provide support and ensure that opportunities for ongoing learning and improvement are available to the teacher. These efforts are aligned with my responsibility to enhance the professional capacity and practice of school personnel, hence promoting the academic success and well-being of all students.

How can educational leaders foster a professional community among teachers and staff that promotes collaboration, ongoing professional growth, and a supportive environment, ultimately contributing to the academic success and well-being of students?

Educational leaders can encourage collaboration, provide ongoing professional development, establish support structures, promote open communication, and recognize achievements. Collaboration fosters the sharing of best practices, while ongoing professional development ensures educators stay updated with innovative teaching methods. Support structures, like mentorship programs, help individuals grow in their roles, open communication channels encourage sharing of ideas and concerns, and recognizing achievements boosts morale and motivation. These elements collectively create a supportive and dynamic professional community, which translates into a more effective and student-centered educational environment.

How can educational leaders effectively lead the process of continuous improvement within schools to ensure the academic success and well-being of all students?

Leaders should rely on data-driven decision-making, utilizing various metrics to identify areas in need of improvement. They should engage in strategic planning by setting clear objectives aligned with the betterment of academic success and student well-being. Additionally, leaders should ensure that resources are allocated wisely to support the school improvement plan, which may involve reallocating resources to address specific needs. Engaging a wide spectrum of stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, and community members, is a fundamental aspect of this process in bettering learning institutions. Finally, leaders must continually monitor progress and evaluate the impact of improvement strategies using data and feedback to make necessary adjustments. Through these strategies, educational leaders drive a culture of ongoing school improvement, ultimately fostering an environment where the academic success and welfare of every student are at the forefront of their endeavors.


Bondie, R. S., Dahnke, C., & Zusho, A. (2019). How Does Changing “One-Size-Fits-All” to Differentiated Instruction Affect Teaching? Review of Research in Education, 43(1), 336–362.×18821130


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Supervision of Instruction

Supervision of Instruction

This paper is a 2-page journal about an interview with a student who compares her favorite teacher to her least favorite teacher.
You can use a lack of classroom management, lack of effective teaching styles, or resources provided to students as a reason for the student’s lack of interest or learning.
(This paper is for a supervision class where we observe teachers and write observation reports using Danielson’s Observation template).

Interview a minimum of one student.  Create a set of questions that can lead a discussion with the student about the qualities of their favorite teachers and classes.  In contrast, also discusses the classes the student dreads the most and why.  Use available data to research one of the student’s favorite teachers and draw correlations between the student preferences and teacher performance indicators. (compare both teachers teaching styles, years of experience, classroom management and overall performance) Names and identifying information of the teachers should not be included.

  1. What is your favorite subject and why?
  2. What does your teacher do/ or teach you to improve your learning in this subject/content area?
  3. What is your least favorite subject and why? What are you struggling to understand?
  4. What does your teacher do/or teach you to improve your learning in this subject/content area?
  5. What are some things/strategies that the teacher could do/or teach to help improve your learning?
  6. As an educational leader, what reflections do you have about the interview with this student? What have you learned? What can you do to strengthen this teacher’s (least favorite) practice?