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Mental Health Issues of Older Adults

Mental Health Issues of Older Adults

The articles under consideration in the field of adult development provide light on crucial areas of mental health and substance use concerns. The first article, titled “Substance Use Is a Critical Health and Mental Health Issue for Older Adults”, examines the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on people 65 and older, emphasizing the critical need for research and strategies to reduce substance use rates. The second article, “Training Future Leaders to Address Mental Health and Substance Use Issues in Older Adults—The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program”, delves into a specialized program aimed at preparing leaders to tackle the complex challenges of mental health and substance use in older persons.

Article 1: Naegle, M. A., & Han, B. H. (2020). Substance Use Is a Critical Health and Mental Health Issue for Older Adults. Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging, 44(4), 1–4.

Summary of the Article

The article discusses the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on those aged 65 and up in the United States. The article underlines the necessity for evidence-based therapies and research projects in view of inadequate research on substance use among older persons. Between 2012 and 2017, there was a significant increase in substance usage among persons aged 65 and older, with 55 per cent of them consuming alcohol (Naegle & Han, 2020). The article emphasizes the significance of frequent screening and interventions for unhealthy substance use in older persons, with the goal of raising awareness among care providers from many disciplines.

Main Points of the Article

The article underlines the importance of substance usage on adult mental health, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors emphasize the scarcity of studies on substance use among older persons, citing an 11.9 per cent increase from 2012 to 2017. The article emphasizes the interconnectivity of substance use, mental health, and the need for evidence-based interventions, which aligns with the week’s course and text readings’ broader theme of mental health difficulties in older persons.

Thoughts and Perspectives

The article provides attention to the serious topic of substance usage among older persons, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors persuasively argue for improved public awareness, evidence-based therapies, and routine screening in healthcare settings. This viewpoint is consistent with the urgent need to emphasize mental health in the ageing population, highlighting the interrelated nature of substance use and mental well-being in older persons.

Article 2: Pincus, H. A., Pike, K. M., & Spaeth-Rublee, B. (2021). Training Future Leaders to Address Mental Health and Substance Use Issues in Older Adults—The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program. Generations, 44(4), 1–6.

Summary of the Article

The article addresses the Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program as a means of preparing future leaders to address mental health and drug use challenges among older persons. The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program is meant to provide fellows with the skills and knowledge needed to handle the complex difficulties that older persons confront, particularly in the areas of mental health and substance use (Pincus et al., 2021). The article explains the program’s core components, highlighting the necessity of interdisciplinary training and policy advocacy in increasing leaders’ capacity to address the particular demands of the ageing population.

Main Points of the Article

The article emphasizes two key points: first, the significance of a specific program, the Health and Aging Policy Fellows, in educating leaders to handle mental health and substance use issues among the elderly. Second, the article underlines the importance of multidisciplinary training within the curriculum in order to provide future leaders with a thorough awareness of the issues that older persons confront. The article correlates with the theme of mental health difficulties in older persons in the context of the week’s course and text readings by stressing targeted training programs and interdisciplinary methods as vital tools for addressing the complex and evolving requirements of this demographic.

Thoughts and Perspectives

The article discusses the crucial need for specialized training programs, such as the Health and Aging Policy Fellows, to develop leaders capable of navigating mental health and drug use concerns among older persons. The emphasis on multidisciplinary training corresponds to the intricate nature of the difficulties confronting the ageing population, recognizing the significance of a comprehensive approach. Overall, the article provides useful insights into the tactics required to treat mental health difficulties in older persons by combining targeted training with a broad interdisciplinary approach and policy lobbying.


Naegle, M. A., & Han, B. H. (2020). Substance Use Is a Critical Health and Mental Health Issue for Older Adults. Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging, 44(4), 1–4.

Pincus, H. A., Pike, K. M., & Spaeth-Rublee, B. (2021). Training Future Leaders to Address Mental Health and Substance Use Issues in Older Adults—The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program. Generations, 44(4), 1–6.


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Through this assignment, you will be able to critically evaluate research studies in the field of adult development. Each week, you will read and analyze two peer-reviewed research journal articles related to the weekly topics. You will use the South University Online Library databases to locate these articles. Other sources such as the text (other than as supporting citations), Wikipedia, and other online sources will not be accepted.

Mental Health Issues of Older Adults

Mental Health Issues of Older Adults

Submit your analysis as a Word document using APA style guidelines. In your analysis:

• Write a summary for each journal article.

• Describe the main points of each article and how each article relates to the week’s course and text readings.

• Evaluate the articles from your own thoughts and perspectives regarding the topics covered.

Use this topic area as the focus for your Week 4 article analysis:

Mental health issues of older adults