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Effective Communication with People with Disabilities

Effective Communication with People with Disabilities

I opted to investigate “Effective Communication with People with Disabilities” from the website. One essential thing I discovered is the variety of communication aids and services available to enable good communication with people who have disabilities. The ADA requires state/local governments, corporations, and nonprofit organizations to make reasonable accommodations for people with communication difficulties to communicate effectively (Alzner, 2023). This can include services such as ASL interpreters, video remote interpreting, note takers, big print materials, captioning, and accessible electronic and information technology.

Another essential lesson I learned is that businesses and organizations should collaborate closely with those with disabilities to select the best aid or service. This collaborative approach ensures that the solution chosen is suited to the exact demands and preferences of the client. The ADA opposes requiring individuals with disabilities to bring their own translators and recognizes that, in certain cases, friends and family members can serve as interpreters (Rotoli et al., 2023). There are exceptions, and communication aids or services may not be needed if supplying them would impose an unreasonable burden on the business or government or if providing them would fundamentally alter the character of the goods or services provided.

The material offered on successful communication with people with impairments, in my opinion, is a noteworthy step toward creating inclusivity and accessibility. It emphasizes the significance of customizing communication aids and services to the distinctive requirements and preferences of people with disabilities, realizing that one size does not fit all. The emphasis on cooperation and working with a person with a disability is an important feature of this method since it allows the individual to participate in decision-making. Moreover, the acknowledgment of potential limitations, such as undue burden or fundamental alterations, strikes a balance between the need for accommodation and practicality, ensuring that businesses and organizations can provide reasonable solutions without overwhelming them with unrealistic demands.


Alzner, E. (2023). No one should be forced to sleep outside: Ending discrimination against people with disabilities in temporary shelters. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 51.

Rotoli, J., Poffenberger, C. M., Backster, A., Sapp, R. W., Modi, P., Stehman, C. R., Mirus, C., Johnson, L. R., Siegelman, J. N., & Coates, W. C. (2023). From inequity to access: Evidence‐based institutional practices to enhance care for individuals with disabilities. AEM Education and Training, 7(S1).


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Effective Communication with People with Disabilities

Effective Communication with People with Disabilities

For this discussion, be sure you have read about the ADA and its frequently asked questions, which are in this week’s reading folder. Then, go to this link. Topics |
Select one of the featured topics – try to select something that you know the least about. The overview of each topic provides answers to common questions about the topic. Read about the topic, and then in this discussion forum, share something you learned about the topic and provide your opinion about this piece of information.