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Six Types of Power Reflect in ePortfolio.

Six Types of Power Reflect in ePortfolio.

Responding to Leigh Turner-Bratton

Hello Leigh,

Thank you for your post. Your post has sufficiently addressed powers applicable to Sharon’s case and supported the same with evidence. Having worked in a local restaurant part-time, I observed that the manager applied reward power: the manager would reward the front employees with the most entries. This type of power was effective as it increased employee motivation, which, in turn, improved customer satisfaction. Notably, in your discussion, you correctly highlighted how Sharon might use the performance frameworks she has previously used, such as the vitality curve that recognizes the top 20% of employees. Motivating the top-performing employees encourages others to improve (McCord, 2014). Your discussion also shows a deep understanding of how organizational leaders draw their powers from their positions and use the powers to influence employees (Opresnik, 2014). You have clearly shown how Sharon derives legitimate power based on her position.


McCord, P. (2014, January). How Netflix Reinvented HR. Harvard Business Review.

Opresnik, M. O. (2014). Hidden Rules of Successful Negotiation and Communication. Springer    International Publishing.

Responding to Jennifer Ricketts

Hello Jennifer,

Thank you for your post. You have sufficiently addressed power sources at the organizational level. I have previously worked with a leader who displayed outstanding leadership skills. While working part-time in a local restaurant, the manager displayed powers such as reward power. For instance, the manager replaced performance reviews with 360 reviews and subsequently issued rewards to performing employees. The example shows an application of reward power, as the manager used resources to improve employees (Faiz, 2013).

You went ahead to discuss multidimensional power, which shows your excellent grasp of the leadership skills necessary for effective leadership. While working as a temporary employee at the restaurant, I observed that the manager possessed effective communication, resilience, and innovation, which are critical leadership skills for attaining multidimensional power (Allen et al., 2016). Your post offers a glimpse into organizational leadership and how leaders draw their powers.


Allen, R. W., Porter, L. W., & Angle, H. L. (2016). Organizational influence processes. Routledge.

Faiz, N. (2013). Impact of manager’s reward power and coercive power on employee’s job satisfaction: A comparative study of the public and private sector. International Journal of Management and Business Research3(4), 383-392.


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Prompt: As a first step toward crafting your discussion post, review the module resources. Then, apply the six types of power as discussed in the module resources to the Netflix case study, which you read about last week.

Coercive Power
Legitimate Power
Reward Power
Referent Power
Expert Power
Multidimensional Power
Consider the types of power that Sharon Slade, the chief human resources officer (CHRO) at Netflix, has in this situation. In your initial post, describe the six types of power Sharon possesses. Then, provide examples that show how Sharon may exhibit this type of power during the negotiations. Finally, provide a reason why this type of power is important in this setting. Use the example below as a guide.

Six Types of Power Reflect in ePortfolio.

Six Types of Power Reflect in ePortfolio.

Example—Expert power: This is the power that comes from the thought that a person has expert-level knowledge of a topic or high-level skill. For example, Sharon has power in human resource matters, as she has great knowledge of the company’s policies and the law during the negotiations to drive a fair bargain.

Then, review at least two of your classmates’ posts. In your replies, share (if possible) an example of a leader for whom you have worked that exhibited one or more types of power. Include your thoughts about the effectiveness of this type of power in a work setting. You can use the feedback on your post as you craft Part B of Section I: Summary for Milestone One and your final project.