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Peer Responses – S.146 Cap Insulin Prices Act and Mental Health of Educators and Staff Act of 2023

Peer Responses – S.146 Cap Insulin Prices Act and Mental Health of Educators and Staff Act of 2023

Responding to Peer 1


I acknowledge your focus and analysis of the S.146 Cap Insulin Prices Act (S.146 -Cap Insulin Prices Act. (2023) that has been introduced to the Senate. This is a good choice as it will reduce the cost of insulin products by 25%. As you have noted, diabetes mellitus is a complex chronic condition requiring constant medication using insulin to manage blood sugar and reduce the risk of complications. It is also among the major chronic conditions affecting a majority of the US population today. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (2020) notes that as of 2019, an estimated 37.3 million Americans of all ages, which represents 11.3% of the US population, were living with diabetes. Of concern is that out of this high number, only 28.7 million had been diagnosed and were engaged in the management of the condition, while over 8.5 million had not been diagnosed and were not receiving treatment or under any intervention.

Despite the large portion of the population living with diabetes, financial disparities make it hard for people from low socioeconomic status to access much-needed care, including access to insulin. Currently, the costs of insulin and deductibles for insurance are very high in the US, pushing most people to abandon their insurance plans or ration their insulin doses (Rajkumar, 2020). This risks the development of complications and even death. In this regard, I support the S.146 Act as it will make insulin affordable and accessible to a majority of the population. It will significantly improve the health of the population and the economic capacity of patients and their families, as the burden of disease will be greatly reduced.


Centers for Disease Control (CDC). (2020). National Diabetes Statistics Report 2020. Estimates of diabetes and its burden in the United States.

Rajkumar, S. V. (2020). The high cost of insulin in the United States: An urgent call to action. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 95(1), 22–28.

Responding to peer 2


This is a great post, and I agree with you. The H.R. 744: Supporting the Mental Health of Educators and Staff Act of 2023 is an essential piece of legislation that will significantly help address the issues of mental health and well-being within the education system. As per the objectives of the H.R. 744, the current focus of addressing mental health issues in the U.S. should be within education systems. As noted, the policy proposes to provide support systems for education professionals, staff, and students. This is a good piece of legislation as the education system is the major producer of productive members of society. The current mental health status within educational institutions is deteriorating, especially in the post-COVID period, with a growing risk of negative behaviors, including suicide (Jones et al., 2022).

Agreeably, training programs as interventions for mental health have proven to be effective in providing opportunities for early identification of mental health and in helping manage existing mental health issues. Including mental health training programs backed by policy as a part of school staff and teacher professional development has reportedly improved mental health and reduced cases of suicidal and nonsuicidal self-injury among students (Hasking et al., 2020). This makes H.R. 744 a good approach to legally back educators to engage in mental health training to equip them with skills to cope with and manage mental health issues within the schools and society. Noting that the H.R. 744 is firmly backed by empirical evidence, I also support the bill. I call upon the Senate and other legislators to support the bill and pass it into law to help address mental health and well-being among education professionals and school staff, as it is the basis of a mentally health population.


Hasking, P. A., Bloom, E., Lewis, S. P., & Baetens, I. (2020). Developing a policy, and professional development for school staff, to address and respond to nonsuicidal self-injury in schools. International Perspectives in Psychology, 9(3), 176–179.

Jones, S. E., Ethier, K. A., Hertz, M., DeGue, S., Le, V. D., Thornton, J., Lim, C., Dittus, P. J., & Geda, S. (2022). Mental health, suicidality, and connectedness among high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic – Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey, United States, January-June 2021. MMWR Supplements, 71(3).


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Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days by either supporting or respectfully challenging their explanation on whether there is an evidence base to support the proposed health policy they described.

S.146 Cap Insulin Prices Act

S.146 Cap Insulin Prices Act

Response Post 1

The bill selected for this week’s discussion is the S.146 Cap Insulin Prices Act (S.146 -Cap Insulin Prices Act. (2023).  This bill was introduced to the Senate on January 1st, 2023 (S.146 -Cap Insulin Prices Act. (2023).  This bill is intended to reduce the cost-sharing of insulin products through Medicare prescription medication benefits and private health insurance groups (S.146 -Cap Insulin Prices Act. (2023).  This bill will cap off a monthly insulin supply cost by 25% of the negotiated price (S.146 -Cap Insulin Prices Act. (2023).  Beginning in 2024, insulin products under private health insurance will be 25.00 dollars and a medicare cap of 35.00 dollars per month for a thirty-day supply of insulin (S.146 -Cap Insulin Prices Act. (2023).

Diabetes Mellitus is a complex chronic condition that can be managed through diet, exercise, and medications to control blood glucose levels (Scott et al., 2019).  Diabetic patients often require insulin to maintain their disease appropriately (Scott et al., 2019).  Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) significantly contributes to the mortality rates of diabetic patients (O’Reilly et al., 2021).  Recent studies show that financial disparities related to insulin-dependent diabetic patients increase the risk of DKA (O’Reilly et al., 2021).  Lowering insulin costs can make this life-saving medication more accessible to individuals with diabetes, ensuring they can manage their condition (Scott et al., 2019).

This bill will aid diabetic patients in improving access to treatment (S.146 -Cap Insulin Prices Act. (2023).  Patients will experience better health outcomes due to affordable insulin by encouraging patients to adhere to their prescribed treatment plans, leading to improved blood sugar control and reduced complications associated with diabetes (S.146 -Cap Insulin Prices Act. (2023).  Lower insulin costs alleviate the financial strain on individuals and their families, preventing them from choosing between purchasing insulin and meeting their basic needs (Scott et al., 2019).  Unaffordable insulin leads to patients skipping doses and ending up in acute medical emergencies like DKA (O’Reilly et al., 2021).  Lower insulin costs will help reduce emergency room visits and hospitalizations related to uncontrolled diabetes, alleviating the financial strain from emergency care (Scott et al., 2019).  Better disease management decreases mortality rates, especially for those with socioeconomic disparities (Scott et al., 2019).

Response post 2

I have selected “Supporting the Mental Health of Educators and Staff Act of 2023” (H.R. 744), which is designed to address critical mental health and well-being concerns among education professionals and school staff. Recognizing the pivotal role of mental health in the effectiveness and resilience of the education workforce, this bill aims to enact meaningful changes and support systems. The primary objective of H.R. 744 is to enhance mental health and overall well-being among education professionals and staff. The bill places considerable emphasis on recognizing and addressing mental health concerns and promoting resilience within the education workforce, thereby fostering a healthier and more supportive educational environment (Supporting the Mental Health of Educators and Staff Act of 2023 (H.R. 744), 2023).

The Social determinants that most affect this policy are the social support networks, including peer support and community engagement, which are critical social determinants influencing the effectiveness and implementation of this policy. Building and utilizing strong support systems within the education sector are fundamental in addressing mental health concerns and promoting overall well-being among education professionals and school staff.

H.R. 744, known as the “Supporting the Mental Health of Educators and Staff Act of 2023,” is firmly backed by an evidence base. This proposed policy draws on existing research, best practices, and a clear recognition of the urgent need to address mental health and well-being among education professionals and school staff. Research consistently demonstrates that such strategies, including training programs, are effective in the early identification and management of mental health concerns, ultimately reducing adverse outcomes. The policy recognizes the significance of tackling the stigma associated with seeking mental health services. Multiple studies have illuminated the detrimental impact of stigma on individuals’ willingness to seek help for their mental health (Miller, 2022). Initiatives aimed at destigmatizing mental health services have proven successful in encouraging people to access the appropriate support they need. The policy’s commitment to community engagement aligns with a holistic approach to mental health promotion. Evidence suggests that involving diverse stakeholders, including medical professional associations and communities, enhances the reach, impact, and sustainability of mental health initiatives.

In conclusion, H.R. 744 represents a comprehensive and evidence-driven effort to address mental health and well-being among education professionals and school staff. It draws upon established best practices and a well-informed understanding of the challenges and needs concerning mental health within the education workforce.