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Women-Dominated Organizations and Their Future

Women-Dominated Organizations and Their Future

A Successful Organization Comprised of Women and the Reasons Behind Its Success

The concept of workforce diversity has caught the attention of many organizations in the modern work environment because of the role of workforce diversity in increasing organizational performance. Over the past decades, organizations have embraced gender diversity in the workplace by creating equal opportunities for men and women. This has resulted in the rise of organizations mostly or entirely comprised of women. One such organization is General Motors. According to Cabral & Krasner (2022), 58% of the board members at General Motors are women (p.1). Women also hold top positions, leading to organizational success. The board members make key decisions about the company’s operations and create a work environment that facilitates employee productivity.

The success of General Motors is attributed to effective leadership. For example, the CEO, Mary Barra, is linked to the organization’s success because since she assumed the CEO position, the organization has been a leader in the automotive industry for the past five years (Cabral & Krasner, 2022, p.1). According to Stanisic (2018), Mary Barra helped General Motors overcome bankruptcy, reduced unprofitable markets, increased the company’s value, and increased customer satisfaction by improving the quality of vehicles produced by the company and employee productivity (p.9). Mary Barra uses relation-oriented behavior to recruit employees, creating a diverse workforce comprising competent employees (Stanisic, 2018, p.7). Maracle et al. (2020) argue that urban indigenous women embrace the principles of ancestral, servant, and relational leadership to create organizations that enhance people’s survival in the organization (p.2). Therefore, General Motors is able to retain competent and talented employees through the relations-oriented behavior exhibited by the CEO.

The Future of All-Women Organizations in the Current Economy

Although women in leadership have been empowering female workers to leverage opportunities that contribute to career advancement within organizations, women are still in a disadvantaged position in the current economy because organizations trend toward having a more mixed composition. According to Taskina Ali & Akter (2021), adequately defined work environment, job duties, and skills recognized by an organization influence the development of the glass ceiling (p.61). Organizations may opt for a more mixed composition because, according to Madgavkar et al. (2019), women face pervasive and long-established societal and structural barriers that could hinder them from adopting the mobility and flexibility needed to negotiate the transitions in the labor markets (p.21). Organizations also face challenges in achieving women’s equality because, according to Campbell (2018), equal pay, working time, social security, maternity leave, and minimum pay laws are ineffective in promoting a work environment where men and women are treated equally (p.2). Therefore, in the future, all-women organizations will be few and may cease to exist based on the work demands in the economy.


Cabral, S., & Krasner, D. (2022). The 5 just 100 companies are leading on Gender Board diversity. JUST Capital.

Campbell, M. (2018). A Better Future for Women at Work. University of Oxford Human Rights Hub Journal, 1, 2.

Madgavkar, A., Manyika, J., Ellingrud, K., Yee, L., Woetzel, J., Chui, M., Hunt, V., & Balakrishnan, S. (2019). The future of women at work: Transitions in the age of automation. McKinsey Global Institute, 21.

Maracle, S., Bergier, A., Anderson, K., & Neepin, R. (2020). “The work of a leader is to carry the bones of the people”: Exploring female-led articulation of indigenous knowledge in an urban setting. Alternative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 16(4), 2.

Stanisic, B. (2018). General Motors CEO Mary Barra – Leadership style analysis (dissertation). Linnaeus University, Viejo, Sweden.

Taskina Ali, & Akter, N. (2021). The Effect of Glass Ceiling on Women’s Advancement: A Case Study of Financial Institutions in Bangladesh, 61.


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Prompt: Based on the reading for this module, share an example of a successful organization that is mostly or fully comprised of women and the reasons behind its success.

Women-Dominated Organizations and Their Future

Women-Dominated Organizations and Their Future

Analyze the future of all-women organizations in the current economy. Will they continue to flourish, or will organizations trend toward having a more mixed composition?