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Journal – Marketing Research

Journal – Marketing Research

The strategic choice to broaden the range of products and services offered by the boutique presents a substantial opportunity for exponential growth and development. It is imperative to exercise meticulous deliberation with regard to the target market and the specific assortment of products to be introduced before going ahead with any new business expansion plans. The proposed project aims to effectively tackle the concerns expressed by the boutique owner pertaining to the potential expansion into either male or female clothing. Additionally, it will address the optimal number of items to be included in the survey, the most appropriate sampling plan, and the suitable sample design for the survey.

Target Population and Sampling Frame

The target population for the survey would be the potential customers of the boutique who are interested in buying clothing and accessories for themselves or their family members. The sampling frame will comprise two distinct groups: the valued customers who have graced the boutique with their loyalty within the past year and the residents of the boutique’s vicinity who, unfortunately, have yet to experience the unmatched clothing offerings of the establishment. Sampling is usually considered of utmost significance as it enables the acquisition of valuable insights from a representative subset of the target population (Hennink & Kaiser, 2022). This would thereby circumvent the need to survey every individual, a process that would undoubtedly incur substantial costs and consume a considerable amount of time.

A Probability versus a Non-Probability Sample

This survey would benefit from a non-probability sample because it would be easier to implement, cheaper to implement, and would not necessitate a full sampling frame. In the field of sampling methodologies, according to Berndt (2020), a probability sample gives each constituent within the target population a discernible and non-negligible probability of being chosen, whereas a non-probability sample lacks this attribute. A probability sample, while undoubtedly enhancing accuracy and generalizability, necessitates a substantial allocation of resources and expertise to execute proficiently.

Sampling Design

The recommended sampling design to be employed is a convenience sample, which falls under the category of non-probability sampling. This particular approach entails selecting elements that are readily accessible and available for inclusion in the study (Stratton, 2021). This implies that one has the opportunity to engage with existing customers during their shopping experience and inquire about their willingness to partake in the survey. Alternatively, one can also request participation as they conclude their shopping journey. In addition to the existing methods, one may consider employing a mail or telephone-based approach to gather pertinent data from individuals who have yet to patronize the boutique. This can be accomplished by employing either a random or systematic selection technique, drawing from a comprehensive directory or database.

Selecting Potential Respondents

Based on the proposed sample design, the selection of potential respondents for the study will be contingent upon their accessibility and inclination to engage in the research endeavor. One viable approach to consider is the utilization of a straightforward random sampling methodology. This technique entails the selection of a subset of existing clientele from the comprehensive roster of customers who have engaged in transactions at the boutique within the previous year (Rahman et al., 2022). Subsequently, these chosen individuals can be extended an invitation to participate in the survey, with the option to complete it either within the physical confines of the boutique or through an online platform. In addition, one may employ a methodical sampling approach to meticulously select a subset of individuals from the directory or database. Subsequently, these selected individuals can be reached via mail or phone to request their participation in the survey, either online or through traditional mail channels.

Sample Size and a Plan for Selecting the Sampling Units

The optimal sample size for the survey ought to be sufficiently robust to guarantee a commendable degree of precision and confidence in the outcomes while avoiding unnecessary expenditures and exertions. A sample size calculator is a valuable tool that enables researchers and business professionals to ascertain the most suitable sample size by taking into account critical factors such as the desired margin of error, confidence level, and population proportion. In the event that one desires to achieve a 5% margin of error, a 95% confidence level, and a 50% population proportion, a sample size calculator will recommend a sample size of 384. In order to obtain comprehensive market insights, it is imperative to conduct a survey encompassing a sample size of 384 potential customers. This sample can be effectively divided into two equal groups, consisting of 192 current customers and 192 residents.

The survey ought to encompass a sufficient number of inquiries to effectively tackle all potential new store items while also avoiding excessive questions that may deter participation and compromise the overall quality of responses. A prudent guideline to adhere to would be to restrict the survey to a concise range of 10 to 15 inquiries or questions, thus ensuring that respondents can promptly complete the questionnaire within a reasonable timeframe of 10 to 15 minutes. Also, ensuring that the survey adheres to the principles of clarity, conciseness, relevance, and impartiality is important. With this consideration, more accurate and genuine responses will be obtained from the survey. It should also employ a combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions to gather quantitative and qualitative data, which can further help analyze specific responses to get an overview.

Streamlining the survey process by combining male and female clothing into a singular comprehensive survey is imperative. This approach will undoubtedly yield enhanced efficiency and ensure unwavering consistency, surpassing the outcomes of conducting two distinct surveys. To optimize the survey’s efficiency and enhance respondent experience, it is recommended to incorporate a filter question at the survey’s outset. This filter question should ascertain the respondents’ specific interest in purchasing clothing and accessories, differentiating between the male and female demographics. By employing this strategic approach, respondents can be seamlessly directed to the respective sections of the survey that align with their preferences (Berndt, 2020). The survey may additionally inquire about the respondents’ inclination and enthusiasm towards various items, encompassing men’s pants, shirts, shoes, watches, and hats, or girls’ dresses, shoes, dolls, toys, and jeans.


In summary, the strategic expansion of the boutique’s product portfolio presents a highly favorable prospect for substantial business expansion and enhanced market presence. By meticulously analyzing the target demographics and the sampling framework and employing a suitable sample methodology, the boutique establishment can acquire invaluable insights to enhance their decision-making endeavors. Through the implementation of a meticulously designed probability sampling methodology, the utilization of a singular all-encompassing survey instrument, and the adoption of a multifaceted respondent selection strategy, the boutique can proficiently tackle their concerns and arrive at judicious decisions regarding the potential expansion into either the market of men’s wear or the domain of girls’ clothing.


Berndt, A. E. (2020). Sampling methods. Journal of Human Lactation, 36(2), 224–226.

Hennink, M., & Kaiser, B. N. (2022). Sample sizes for saturation in qualitative research: A systematic review of empirical Tests. Social Science & Medicine, 292(1), 114523.

Rahman, Md. M., Tabash, M. I., Salamzadeh, A., Abduli, S., & Rahaman, Md. S. (2022). Sampling techniques (probability) for quantitative social science researchers: A conceptual guidelines with examples. SEEU Review, 17(1), 42–51.

Stratton, S. J. (2021). Population research: Convenience sampling strategies. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 36(4), 373–374. Cambridge.


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A local retail store wants to expand its offerings. Currently, they only offer women’s fashions and accessories. They have been approached to offer little girls clothing as well as men’s clothing. The boutique is not sure which direction to go in. They would like to get public opinion about which offering is more needed and sustainable. They have three main concerns.

Journal - Marketing Research

Journal – Marketing Research

The first concern is which offering to expand with—men’s clothing or girls’ clothing. Second, how many items should be put on the survey (e.g., men’s pants, shirts, shoes, watches, and hats versus girls’ dresses, shoes, dolls, toys, and jeans)? Third, what type of sampling plan should be developed, and who should the respondents be? Should they be current customers, new customers, old customers, or all residents?

The owner has asked you as a marketing consultant to assist her in this project. She has asked you the following questions:

How many questions should the survey contain to address all possible new store items adequately?
Should there be two separate surveys, or will one suffice?
How should potential respondents be selected for the survey? Should current customers be approached about the survey while they are shopping? Should customers be asked to participate as they exit, or should they use a mail or telephone approach to collect information?

Based on the questions and concerns above, determine the appropriate sample design. You may take the liberty to fill in any information as needed (e.g., size of population, name of boutique). Write a response to the boutique owner that addresses the following questions.

Who is the target population?
What is the sampling frame? Why is sampling important?
Should a probability or non-probability sample be used, and why? What are the differences between the two types, and how did this help you make your decision?
What type of sampling design should be employed (e.g., simple random, stratified, convenience)?
Given the sample design suggested, how will potential respondents be selected for the study?
Finally, the sample size will be determined, and a plan will be suggested for selecting the sampling units. What factors helped you to determine the sample size?

Your response must be at least two pages in length, and you should use at least two academic sources. Any information from these sources must be cited and referenced in APA format, and you should format your paper in APA style.